Saturday, October 19, 2019

Holy is "HE"

Holy is "HE"

“JESUS” is Love and Harmony…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”
Sent by “GOD” to set us free…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
“He” gave his life to pay our fee…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”
We believe in “HE” to let it be…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
“He” shines his light on you and me …
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”
For we were blind but now we see…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
“He” makes a place where we will be…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”
To live with “HE” so peacefully…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
For we are “HIS” family…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”
To be with “HE” for eternity…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
Know how happy we will be…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE
We give our Love and Thanks to “THEE”…
Oh how Holy - are we in “HE”
All praise and glory be to “THE”…
Oh most Holy - Holy is “HE”


Friday, October 18, 2019

To God Be The Glory

To God Be The Glory

Is life really measured in
The years that we do spend ?
Or is it rather what we do
That really matters in the end ?

Well that will take change you say
And indeed you would be right
It's the price and privilege
For contending in this fight

Showing God is worthy
Takes lots of tender care
A willful heart to serve Him
Bathed in a healthy dose of prayer

His name and His nature
Tell who God is and why
His character is perfect
His love cannot be denied

Let us not forget then
The majesty He proclaims
Our hearts should seek His glory
Our hearts should seek to change

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Live In Remembrance

Live In Remembrance

So many just plan for tomorrow.
So many just live for today.
Yet I long to live in remembrance
to yesterday's mem'ries this way...

My father, in garage, would be working.
My mother, in kitchen, would bake.
Then I would take turns being with them,
and tried not to make a mistake.
I'd hold the light steady for father
while he reached down under the hood.
The cookie dough mom had me stirring,
from finger to tongue was so good.

They'd take me to church ev'ry Sunday.
I learned all the Bible had taught.
I learned that my soul needed saving
a soul that was already bought.
And Jesus had blessed me so dearly
with parents I didn't deserve.
I learned of their love and devotion
a love that I'd often observe.

Though father did not show emotion
and hugging was not ever done,
He would, at times, play some horseshoes
and never had I ever won.
Now one night while watching home movies,
I saw a lone tear on his eye.
I knew his emotions ran deeper
and in him was greater supply.

My mother was very kind-hearted.
She loved everyone that she met.
And when someone hurt her unfairly,
I never had seen her upset.
Yes, everyone loved my dear mother
and that's how a dear flower grows.
She passed away still helping children
and buried, the finest of rose.

My memories fade with the sunset,
as emptiness sets in again.
My life seems so terribly barren
as loneliness grips me within.
But some things I'll not be forgetting:
two faces that I'll always see,
two lives that I'll always remember,
two parents who loved thankless me.

So many just plan for tomorrow.
So many just live for today.
Yet I long to live in remembrance
to yesterday's mem'ries this way...

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How Life Must Lead

How Life Must Lead

The pain goes
When you let go
The tears cease
When you release

The eyes see
When you believe
The ears hear
When in the gear

The mind clear
When in no fear
The life great
In peaceful state

The Lord knows
All that you need
He will show
How life must lead

The Wonders Of Heaven

The  Wonders Of Heaven

The Bible tells us that heaven
Is the place where believers will go
When their life's work has ended
And they leave this world below.

Heaven has walls made of jasper,
Gates of pearl and streets of gold.
We can read of the wonders of heaven,
But the half has never been told.

There'll be no darkness in heaven,
For in Heaven there'll be no night.
Lamps or candles will not be needed,
For Christ Jesus is the shining Light.

There'll be no sickness or pain there,
And all our tears will be wiped away.
Our ears and eyes will be perfect,
And there will be no tooth decay,

Of all the many wonders of Heaven,
The greatest wonder I long to see
Is the face of Jesus, my dear Savior
Who shed His precious blood for me.

Monday, October 14, 2019


A lonely little brook did trickle
down the mountain side.
It flowed along so lonely
till a larger stream it spied.
To the little stream it bade...
"Let's travel on as one.
We'll both be half as lonely
as down the hills we run."
When they added brook and stream,
the total came up "creek".
Their current was so strong, it seemed
a river they should seek.
When they mingled in, they found
the river was made up...
of other streams that trickled down
from other mountain tops.
Soon the river changed its course...
divided right in two.
The little brook and stream were forced
to part and bid adieu.
When the brook went to the east
the little stream went west.
They flowed just as the river pleased.
They knew that it was best.
Caught swiftly in the rushing tide,
they had to hurry on.
No longer were they side by side
but each where they belong.
They stifled their emotions
and vowed to do their part,
to someday reach the ocean...
their destiny from start.
So it seems that you and I
are like that brook and stream.
Sometimes friends must say goodbye
in search of separate dreams.
We travel through life's rushing tide.
We toil; we hope; we plan;
Life's many different waves we ride
as destiny demands.
If we should never meet again
until life's journey's through,
I'll meet you in That Better Land
where we will start anew.
An ocean of eternity
with every dream fulfilled.
Life's rushing river then will cease
and whisper, "Peace Be Still!"
To my Father Lonnie Bagwell
Mother Hazel Bagwell
Brother Larry Bagwell
You gone on to Heaven ,and miss you all very much, but I will see you again in glory