Friday, May 16, 2014

In God We Should Trust

In God We Should Trust

The heart and the future no man can see
Yet we give a shot in the dark, and leap
When decisions we made and plans, fall through
We become crestfallen; we nag and weep

The flesh and firmaments restrict our eyes;
Who can unravel what they envelop?
Humans assume, but only Yahweh knows
He apportions a thousand sparrows’ hope

And His eyes can look through the most veiled heart
To discern if it is indeed sincere
Shan't we then seek Him to pick our leader
Or trust ourselves to enthrone the right heir?

Let's our thoughts to the Almighty hand in
Lest we go a false candidate to vote;
Let's our voyage to the Highest commit
Lest we endanger our nation's flag boat

For He will direct our myopic minds
To sift the unworthy with His method
Thus a guaranteed future, blest and bright
Shall be to us that put our trust in God 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Artist

The Artist

Sunrise, vibrant, yellow, red
Shining as the morning breaks
Slowly rising rays of light
Open eyes, and I awake

Browns and greens, trees and grass
Envelope every inch of land
Covered as a velvet coat
Created by the maker's hand

Abundant flowers, opening
Yellow, white, orange, red, pink
on His giant canvas earth
Brush covers with His holy ink

Baby blue palette above
Billowing white puffs, float by
As far as any eye can see
Cascading all across the sky

Reflecting light rays of color
Hills, valleys, plains of grey
Nature exquisite, at its best
Burst through this lovely day

Nations, multicolored skin
Subsisting in the light
Rushing around, things to do
While this day stays bright

Then the circle comes around
Red, orange, an amazing sight
With one more stroke of His brush
The Artist bids us all, "Goodnight"
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Christ Offers No Concession

Christ Offers No Concession

There is no way around this fact,
For the Bible says it's so.
Christ is the only Way to Heaven,
It's important that you know.

Some people want to doubt it,
So they proclaim another way.
But if you're wise, you'll just ignore,
The empty things they say.

Christ offers no concession,
Despite what people claim.
For given among all men on earth,
There is no other Name.

The Father sent His only Son,
To be the payment for our sin.
And it's only through His precious blood,
That our hope can now begin.

If we deny that sacrifice,
Then we've scorned the saving cross.
Christ offers no concession,
All else shall suffer loss. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Your Question

My father used to say that you could tell the caliber of the
mind of a person by the questions that they ask.

What do you want to know?


If there was one question that you could ask and have answered,
what would it be?

Just one.

What would it be?

Suppose you had a direct line to God's information line?
I know that we have the scriptures but many have personal
questions that are not easily gleaned from scripture.

You do.

I do.

So what would it be?

Is this a vain exercise?

I don't think so.

You will either say, "What a silly thing to think about and ask
such a question"

...or you will think about "your" question.

If you ask you may not get the answer, but if you never ask,
you definitely won't.

The caliber of the mind of a person is often indicated by the
questions that they ask, or whether they even have one.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Answer To My Prayers

The Answer To My Prayers

 I was walking down the road, in the autumn of my years;
the leaves were brilliant colors, though my eyes were red with tears

My pain was ever mounting. Death was always surely near
-my troubles and my heartache held me tight in cold, dark fear

.I prayed to Jesus every day. Every burden I could name;
but He never seemed to answer. Every day was still the same

.Life is so unfair I pled, that I should bear this awful pain;
and then without a warning, there I stood in pouring rain.

It came down heavy. The wind blew hard;
the mud was slick, and caught me off-guard

.Embarrassed on the cold ground - increasing anger taking hold
-I'm just too good of person. You so loved me, I was told

.I screamed again, "Life's so unfair - And getting worse!" I hissed
,and with my energy exhausted, I raised an angry fist

.Then something shook my soul. It thundered from the sky
-and then in lightning flashes, two trees had caught my eye

.One bent down across the other, which stood along beside
;it curved if humbly bowing and exposed my selfish pride
Were my troubles overwhelming- because I was at a loss?
Did my pains need me to stumble to see this simple cross?

So then the prayer I uttered, was something like those trees-
with one bowed low and humbly, as I knelt there on my knees
The whole of vast unfairness, in life that I had earned
;just couldn't hold a candle, to what I’d finally learned

.Did I deserve some comfort? No bird would dare to sing!
Had I worn a thorn? I thought, endured a nail or anything?

No. My life was easy. My burden unfairly light
-for Jesus seized that evil death, so I could be set right.

Yes, I know that life's unfair, though not to me you see;
but rather to the Lamb of God, His sacrifice for me! –
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, May 12, 2014

Breath of Life

Breath of Life

God breathed Adams first breath of life
and then breath to Eve God gave to his wife.
Now God was the image for man he created
his word holds the truth when it is debated.

New breath of life is breathed every day
existing breath come what may.
By God's grace we have life's breath
from our Lord Jesus no sting of death

All breath from this world whether future or past
is given by God until we breath our last.
But hope is not lost for in him we remain
to live is Christ Jesus and to die is gain.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless
This weekend  , I went to the hospital to see my Aunt  Aquila  Wilson  , I was told  she was  dying . I took her hand ,
and thought I was going to pray for her to recover . When I clasp her hand , I knew she was in the Power of  Spirit of God .
I felt his spirit move upon me . I really don’t how long I stood there , There was Peace and joy , that came  to me . I wish I could explain to you all , but I can’t .. This lady is a pray warrior and has always been . She was supposedly  unconscious . But when I look down , she was smiling at me , Like to say , I know . And then when back to sleep . Her heart is to weak to make her kidney   work . You doctors say that she only has a short time left . You know and I know  ,  It up to Father  GOD ! The only words they {her children] heard her say for three days was Peace!!!