Friday, August 12, 2016

Jesus Is Coming Back

Jesus Is Coming Back

Jesus is coming back,
Oh, what a glorious thought
He's coming to get his bride
that with his blood he bought
Oh, what a wonderful hope,
waiting for him to come back
We will then be perfect
with no more sin and no more lack
Jesus is coming back,
it makes me want to shout and sing
He's coming back for me,
my great and mighty king
Jan  Bagwell
God  Bless
John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Spiritual Eyes

Spiritual Eyes

The lightning cracked the blackened sky
While windswept waves towered high
And thunder tumbled to the sea
To shake the sway of Galilee.

Within the struggle of the storm
Twelve steadfast men of sturdy form
Thought their lot was surely cast
And this dark day would be their last.

But then their gaze beheld a sight
Which saved them from their dreadful plight,
For in the gale of their despair
They all discovered Jesus there.

He walked atop the torrid sea
And calmed that squall on Galilee
Of all its rushing, crushing, din,
As His disciples let Him in.

How comforting it is to see
Our Savior in our misery,
Walking on the surging tide,
Calling to be brought inside.

How soft our suffering should be,
How useful our adversity,
When storms of life attempt to seize us
Yet we still keep our eyes on Jesus.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, August 8, 2016

I Planted a Seed

I Planted a Seed

I planted a seed,
not so long ago
I prayed and prayed
for it to grow.

I feed it the Good News,
so it would flourish
I encouraged it daily
to keep it nourished.

I tended over it,
with love and grace
in hopes that faith
it would embrace.

I urged it everyday,
to take a firm root
I asked God to help it
to mature and fruit.

I planted a seed,
prayed it would grow
and now my Savior . . .
it has come to know!
Jan Bagwell
God Nless
Hosea 10:12 "Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousness upon you." King James Version Public Domain

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Perfect Masterpiece

 Perfect Masterpiece

Peered I, up to the heavens. So stunned, I stood in awe.
His hand swept over East to West and this is what I saw...
A sight exposing every truth, that made me nearly faint.
A sight, that in a million years, no man could ever paint.
A special, brand new masterpiece that God creates each day.
A special, brand new vision that He gives along my way.

I see a vast creation that is pure outside and in
before His work is tarnished by horrendous, evil sin.
He paints His skies so differently. No two are just the same.
He paints the creatures on the earth - the wild and the tame.
The sunsets over mountain peaks are not identical -
and snowflakes falling from the sky - not precisely equal.

The clouds float freely with the breeze while rolling on thin air.
Though no two skies are just alike, they share the canvas there.
And no two meadows look the same as I walk down His path.
I see no trees identical when grown through nature's wrath.
Not equal are the mountain streams or creatures of the wild.
And so unique the sunsets are - as faces of a child.

So patiently, a flower bud waits ready to unfurl.
A swirl of brilliant petals bloom. I see a little girl.
Her whole life laid in front of her that she became forthwith -
another link within the chain this world had yanked her with.
Priorities had dragged her from her work to shopping mall.
And every day, a masterpiece - yet she had missed them all.

Now richly dressed as all the rest who never seemed to care,
she peered inside a cancer ward and saw young children there.
She saw the face of one small boy with cute and chubby cheeks -
and though the tears had dried away she saw the many streaks.
They washed away the happiness in life so short, but giving -
as sin has made the sky to fall on innocent still living.

God waves His hand across the sky, but have I failed to see -
out way beyond my own routine, beyond my vanity?
God paints a perfect masterpiece on each and every child.
I finally saw His masterpiece when that young child smiled.
Peered I, up to the heavens. Through tears, I prayed in awe.
His hand swept over East to West and that is what I saw...
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !