Saturday, July 28, 2018

This Journey of Life

This Journey of Life

This journey of life
Can change from day to day.
Through valleys, over hills,
Let God lead the way.

We are but pilgrims,
Trav'ling through this land.
God is by our side,
Holding on to our hand.

The roads we travel
And the paths we trod,
May we be faithful
And fully trust in God.

When we face trying times
And don't know what to do,
We can be assured
That God will see us through.

When our journey is o'er,
On God we can depend;
For He will be with us
To the very end.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

A Glimpse of Heaven

A Glimpse of Heaven

God has given me….
A little glimpse of heaven 
Here upon this earth 
In a sun filled morning
In a newborn baby's birth.

In the droopy dandelions
In a wet slobbery kiss
Just the simple things
I'm glad I didn't miss.

In the good times and
In the not so good
Times a heart healed when
I didn't think it could.

The many I love yous
Whispered from tired lips
Even the apple pies
Adding pounds to my hips!

Having a hand to hold
Even after they have gone
A little glimpse of heaven
To keep me hanging on.

The day God rescued me
When I called His name
Forgiveness and freedom
From my sin and my shame.

To live this life over again
I wouldn't change a thing
For the wisdom I have gained
Is the blessing that it brings.

The glimpse that God gives
The hope in each new day
A little glimpse of heaven
To share along the way.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

My Turn Now

My Turn Now

Yesterday, it was today
Today, it is tomorrow
Always waiting for the day
A miracle heals sorrow

I’m waiting at the window
The window of my desire
Desire to see sweet changes
And freedom from what I tire

Sunrise once again brings forth
Dark clouds on my horizon
But I must press on, press through
These weary clouds to Zion

Eyes see what I see for now
Ears hear only this moment
My heart beats on, through Your touch
Amazing grace, love has sent

I know as I know what’s known
Each step a struggle in time
Waiting to hear ‘my turn now’
And heaven’s bells sweetly chime

Oh! Jesus, yes, here I am
Standing in the healing line
Please let your sweet virtue flow
Oh! Please, please let it be mine

I said ‘here I am, it’s me’
You said, ‘I asked who We’d send
Not for you; but for others
Yes, for those who couldn’t fend’

‘I’m so sorry Lord, forgive
Forgive my oft selfish heart
But I’ve read so many times
Healing virtue You impart’

‘Yes, my child, I do impart
But why, why would I impart
What’s already imparted?
It flowed from My broken heart’

‘I loved you, love you, and child
Child you’re forgiven, and healed
Look to the cross, I’m risen
Victory is won, and sealed’

‘Thank you Lord, I see, send me
Not for me; but for others
Your love it gives to embrace
Hearts of sisters and brothers’

Yes, it’s today, has it changed?
My vision of what is true
Sun is up, the clouds have gone
They’re there; but I can see You

I’ve been looking for healing
I’ve been looking for escape
Failed to see it’s before me
Healing words on me, You drape

You arose, I was set free
Free from hopelessness, and fear
You arose, my Love, Jesus
Healing in Your wings, it’s near

I’ve had my turn, I receive
There’s no need to keep searching
I receive all You freely gave
Freely, continuously

Oh! Lord, hold me, don’t let go
Oh! Lord, please help me to see
(Remove all non-heaven shades)
The Truth, truth that makes me free

Your word is so beautiful
Your word is heaven’s delight
Your word brings new life, and love
I surrender, You ignite

Oh! Lord, I receive...

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Moment by Moment with Him

Moment by Moment with Him

Sometimes we so easily forget,
How unpredictable our lives may be,
We make plans for our tomorrows and our futures,
Not realizing they could change instantly,

Then one day, you wake up, and it happens,
Something occurs that's not at all like you've planned,
Your life has now taken a new direction,
And it may be difficult for you to understand.

God never promised that we'd never have struggles,
That there would always be sunshine and not rain,
But He said He'd never leave nor forsake us,
And with His presence we will forever be sustained.

When God takes us from the height of the mountain,
And then places us in the valley of despair,
It's here we can learn total dependence,
Upon the One who will always be there.

Oftentimes it's only through the midst of the trials,
We see God works in ways we'd never have dreamed,
He accomplishes so much beyond our understanding,
And now things may not be at all what they'd seemed.

We may not know why God allowed such a hardship,
We must learn to trust in the One who knows best,
For our future is seen by Him only,
And in Him we can confidently rest.

So when the unexpected may arise in our lifetime,
And the way God is leading seems dim,
May we face it not ONE DAY at a time,
But instead, MOMENT BY MOMENT with Him.



The rainbow’s colors came to play
and chase the evening rain,
but Red looked down and had to say
“Your color’s rather plain.”

While shining from his lofty height,
he looked upon the rest
and felt his color burning bright.
He knew he was the best.

The rays of sunlight glorified
by all its hues arrayed
are weaker now since crimson pride
began a steady fade.

Then Orange looking down at Blue
declared, “You look so pale.”
Blue tried to be another hue
but this to no avail.

So Yellow shouted from the crowd
as anger swelled within,
“I don’t know why you must be proud
for prideful ways are sin.”

“With just a glance I know you’ll see
I’m center of it all,
so if a winner there must be,
I’m brighter overall.”

But Green with envy had to ask,
since now allowed to speak,
“In all your brilliance others bask,
why must I be so weak?”

Said Indigo to their dismay,
“At least I’m not so Blue.
I may not be like Red, but hey,
at least I’m not like you.”

Poor Violet in silence yearned
to be another shade.
It’s sad to think they never learned
we’re all divinely made.

Apart they’re seen by everyone
but never shine as bright
as when their God spoke through his Son
and said, “Let there be light.”