Saturday, December 27, 2014

God gave me this Scripture this morning

You know I have read thru this scripture a thousand times . But God open the door this morning where I really understand what he told us . I was praying this weekend  and this morning  . That I would be a better child  of  God . Help me to become all that you would have  me to be .Have I been all that God wanted me to be ? Have I been a good son , father to my  children , Grand father , friend to my friends . Have I took time to pray for  ones who need help . I thought I would like to be Enouch that walked so close and fellowship with God , that God just took him . Can you imagine Father God  enjoy your present so much , he just took you back to heaven with him.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Gen.5 Verses 21 to 24

[21] And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah:
[22] And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:
[23] And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years:
[24] And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.


Friday, December 26, 2014

Doing Our Best This Year

Doing Our Best This Year

At the beginning of a new year,
Sometimes we tend to look back.
We think about our failures
And times we got "off track."

Some New Year's resolutions,
We think that we need to make.
We see the need to do better,
So some inventory, we take.

As Christians, we ask ourselves,
"Am I giving my best to God?
Am I serving Him all I can
As upon this earth I trod?"

Yes, we need to always resolve
To serve our God more and more,
We strive to serve Him better
Than we did the year before.

We know we are only human,
But for us, God's best He gave
When He sent His son to die
For our sinful souls to save.

This year we need to strive
To do our very best for Christ.
He gave His life to save us.
As a lamb, He was sacrificed. 
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless ! 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

God Sent A Special Present

God Sent A Special Present

He laid aside his glory, to be born as a babe.
This Holy God from heaven, in a cattle stall was laid.
No royal crown of splendor was placed upon his head,
He only had a manger of hay, to be his bed.

No birthday celebrations with food, and friends and toys,
Just some cattle lowing, welcomed this baby boy,
His parents knew this Baby, a special one would be
Fulfilling all God's promises, sin's Sacrifice was He.

Out on a lonely hillside, where shepherds tended sheep,
A choir of holy angels, their frightened eyes did see.
The sky was filled with splendor, angelic voices raised
Filling the night with praises for the gift of the Heavenly Babe.

Behold! We bring you tidings of peace, good will to men,
For unto you a Savior is born in Bethlehem.
He is a Gift from heaven, sent down from God above,
He came to bring salvation, and show the world God's love.

The shepherds came with wonder, and worshiped with great joy
This precious Holy Baby, Mary's brand new little boy.
Now this message has gone out so all the world may hear
God sent a special Present to all people everywhere.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Merry Christmas !

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Jesus, Is Coming Again

Jesus, Is Coming Again

Oh, you better watch out,
You better not lie.
You better not doubt,
I'm telling you why.

Jesus, is coming again.

He's making a plea,
He's got an escape plot.
He's gonna find out,
Who believes or not.

Jesus, is coming again.

He sees you when you've sinned,
He knows when you've confessed.
He knows when you've been guilty or not,
So believe in Him - for your own sake.

So, you better watch out,
You better not lie.
You better not doubt,
I,m telling you why.

Jesus, is coming again.

Little lost sheep,
Little Satan's charms.
And don't fall in his arms.

Jesus, is coming again.

Little Satan's toy's,
That follows and do.
Lusty, greedy,
And gluttonous too.

Jesus, is coming again.

Those who play in Satan's band,
Will have a fiery festivity.
They're gonna play his sinful gig,
In the depth of hell's captivity.

Oh, you better watch out,
You better not lie.
You better not doubt,
I'm telling you why.

Jesus, is coming,
Jesus, is coming,
Jesus, is coming,
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !
Merry Christmas , I was just having fun with a old Christmas song , hope you enjoy it .

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

It's Christmas Day

It's Christmas Day

It's Christmas day,
Santa and sleigh.
He's left some toys for the kids to play.
Yours and mine,
Our families join
To eat minced pies and drink mulled wine.
Each takes a seat,
Eats turkey meat,
Then Christmas pud, makes meal complete.
We rest till three,
Drink cup of tea,
Turn on the box, Her Majesty.
Beneath the tree,
A gift for me
And each one in the family.
Without a care,
Kids paper tear,
Each wants to see just what's in there.
Granddad he's got socks,
Pink tie that shocks
Large handkerchiefs in fancy box.
For dear old Nan,
Some spray in can.
Asks, 'Will the smell attract young man.'
Now evening meal,
Cheap crackers reveal,
Plastic tat, paper hat, no appeal.
A time for play and then away.
Oh! did I say it's Christ's birthday.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Merry Christmas

Monday, December 22, 2014

My Gift

My Gift

Santa and presents
Decorations galore
Is this what I sent
My only Son for?

Shopping and bargains
Recipes to share
If this is His Birthday
Then why isn't He there?

Gift wrapping, gift giving
Secret Santa exchange
Yet, no one accepting His gift is
...quite strange.

Happy Holidays, Merry X-mas
Keep it short, don't offend
How can you say you love Him
Yet, you compromise such a Friend?

The true meaning of Christmas
Doesn't lie in these things
It lies in Christ Jesus
And the joy that He brings

It lies in knowing
Had it not been for His birth
Could you be redeemed
From your sins on this earth?

So in all of your "festivities"
In all the things you do
Never forget My Son
He was "My Gift" to you!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless