Friday, January 30, 2015

Virgin Pure

Virgin Pure
One time a horrid thing occurred, but I'll keep that unspoken –
except to tell you how I felt - so sad, depressed and broken.
There's evil all throughout this world that eyes may never see,
but we can feel results of sin - and that, I guarantee.
So many have endured the pain, the torture, wounds and strife -
but hidden is satanic stains that steal away the life.

No soap and water cleans up sin. There's no 'work' we can do.
It's principalities we fight and faith will pull us through.
It took me years to realize that it's all in God's hand,
but let me tell my story first - so you may understand.
The fault was certainly not mine. I tried to just pretend
that others understood my pain about what really happened.

But like a vault, that pain was locked down deep inside my head.
Those reoccurring nightmares came each time I went to bed.

My mind was haunted day and night. Those nightmares? They were true!
I bathed and showered. Nothing worked! ...t'was nothing I could do.

Oh, how I tried! I used good soap, used all the soap I could,
but nothing washed away that sin. It wasn't any good.

Was I so blind for remedy, that I just couldn't see -
the answer? Then I realized, that it was not of me.

No, there was nothing I could do, but search and search and search,
but that's when I discovered Him. The answer was in church.

God's house. That's where He was. God sent His only Son.
Dark, sinful nightmares went away when His love had begun.

Once nightmares kept me up all night. I'd roll and turn and toss.
But then I thought, "Did Jesus sin when He was nailed to cross?"

Christ, like me, was innocent! It wasn't my Lord's fault!
Though Satan locks those horrors in, God opens tomb and vault!

No tomb could ever hold Him there! Sin can't imprison lives!
No vault can lock us up again when Jesus Christ arrives!

HIS LOVE has made me whole again and wasn't that my goal?
Yes, that my friends, brings me to tears. He cleans both body, soul.

The joy I have, now fills my heart. The problem's not with skin.
He wiped away those horrors and He brought me peace within!

So every time those thoughts come back - those things that are no more,
it's then that I remind myself that Christ wins every war.

Despicable, their ugly sin and blacker still, than coal,
but Christ gives peace of mind from sin. God cleansed my very soul.

No, baths and showers do not work and there's no other cure -
but Jesus, born of Mary, is. He made me virgin pure.
Psalm 35:9
King James Version

"And my soul shall be joyful in the 
Lord: it shall rejoice in his 

Psalm 35 : 9
And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD: it shall rejoice in his salvation.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Grace to Be Meek

The Grace to Be Meek

When you’re feeling faint,
when you’re feeling weary
when your burdens are . . .
too much for you to carry.

That’s when you need to go,
to the Lord for His power
He will supply you with . . .
fresh energy for each hour.

When you’re feeling frail,
when you’re feeling defeated
when Life has left you . . .
feeling spiritually depleted.

That’s when you need to go,
to the Lord in earnest 

His strength you will find . . .
is waiting for you there.

When you need to feel strong,
instead of 
feeling week
that’s when you need . . .
God’s grace to make you meek!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Isaiah 40 : 29  - 31
He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

All of God's Promises

All of God's Promises

All of God's promises,
are for you to receive
all you have to do . . .
is to trust and believe.

All of His blessings
He wants to bestow
all of His goodness
He wants you to know.

You can find them,
in the Good Book
all you have to do . . .
is take, a good look.

They flow all about,
woven all through
the promises of God
are waiting for you.

They hold your future,
they'll guide your way
comfort and give you
strength for the day.

All of God's promises,
are yours to believe
but, you must open up . . .
your Bible, to receive!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
2 Corinthains 1:18 - 20
But as surely as God is faithful, our message to you is not "Yes" and "No." 19 For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by me and Silas and Timothy, was not "Yes" and "No," but in him it has always been "Yes." 20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Power of The Watermelon Seed

I have observed the power

  of the watermelon seed .

It has the power to draw from

 the ground and through itself

200,000 times its weight .

 When you can tell me how it

takes this  material  and out of 
  its colors an outside surface
beyond the imitation of art ,
and then forms  inside a white
rind and within that again a
red heart , thickly inlaid with
black seeds ,  each one of which
in turn is capable of  drawing
through  itself  200,000 times
its weight – when you can
explain to me  the mystery of
the watermelon . you can me
to the mystery of the watermelon ,
you can ask me  to explain  the mystery of
 Jan Bagwell 
God Bless!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Perfect Christian

You could count on a perfect Christian
To always be gentle and humble,
To be immune to sin,
And never, ever stumble.
He’d study and remember
All of God’s commands;
He’d be trustworthy, moral and honest;
You’d know just where he stands.
With others, she’d be in harmony;
She’d never lose her cool;
Forgiving and forgetting,
Following the Golden Rule.
He’d surrender his life to God,
Full of joy and peace,
Free of stress and worry…
Perfect, pure release.
She’d lift up everyone,
Full of sweet compassion,
Free of worldly wants,
Ignoring worldly fashion.
But we can’t ever be perfect,
So we always need to pray
For the strength to do our best
To love God and obey.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !