Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Memorial Day Parade

The Memorial Day Parade

I feel privileged to attend
A yearly Memorial  Day parade.
Veterans should be honored
For the sacrifices they made.

Some of our younger veterans
Of recent wars take part.
In Iraq or in Afghanistan,
Each served from one's heart.

Veterans of the Persian War
Are proudly on display,
For they bravely served,
And they also march today.

Also veterans of Viet Nam
Are riding on a parade float.
I see they're getting older,
With graying hair, I note.

A number of veterans of Korea
Also are riding on display.
They seem weak and elderly.
They served in a brave way.

Then come uniformed veterans
Right from a history book page.
They served us in World War Two.
Now they are really up in age.

I thank God for the veterans,
Who served and did not fail.
They bravely stood for freedom
And served our nation well!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Known But to God

Known But to God

To the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,
A dad made a visit with his son.
Today it was Memorial Day,
And a service had just begun.

The President placed a wreath
At the unknown soldier's tomb.
Everyone was very still and quiet.
The son thought, "Why such gloom?"

"Dad, to see an unknown soldier's tomb,
Why did we have to travel so far?"
"Son, we honor all our dead heroes,
Even though we don't know who they are."

"Known but to God," my dear child,
On the soldier's tomb, it says that,
Because God knows the name of each.
It could be Bill, Jim, Sam, or Matt."

Asked the son, "How about me, Dad?
Can I be hero soldier too?"
"Yes, Son, you can be a soldier
Known to God, a Christian soldier true!"

Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, May 25, 2016



For those who stand upon the Rock
Now's not the time for 'tick-a-lock';
Time is short; it's running out
For souls to make the turn-about.

God's children have to 'show and tell'
If we're to save the lost from hell.
No need to go 'undercover'
To share Jesus with a brother.

We are the children of the Light;
Commissioned to shine very bright -
We have to spread and live the Word
To people who have not yet heard.

So turn the key the other way;
Do not be shy to share and pray -
Go forth and find a soul who's lost;
Be bold and do not count the cost.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

I Thank You, Lord"

I Thank You, Lord"

I thank You for the blessings
You give to me each day.
They fill my life with abundant joy
More than words can say!

I thank You for my growing faith
And the trials I've made it through.
I'm victorious and am made complete
Because of only You!

I thank You for the many times
You carry me through my strife.
I long for, with each passing day,
Your presence in my life!

I thank You for Your only Son
Who died and set me free.
I marvel at the fact that You
Think so much of me!

I thank You for Your tolerance
And a love that never ends.
How glad I am that You are both
My Savior and my Friend!

I thank You for the Holy Word
That's powerful and true!
It's the Plan You made and a gift
That keeps me close to You!

I thank You for Your gentleness
And desire to draw me near.
When You embrace me in Your arms
I lose all doubt and fear!

But most of all I thank You, Lord
Because You're God and King!
I'll praise You till the day I die;
My heart will forever sing;

I Thank You, Lord!!!!!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Hear Our Prayer

Hear Our Prayer

Father God, hear our prayer,
keep us in thy loving care
if we should wander off too far
lead us back with the Morning Star.

As we go about our busy day,
be our guide ~ light our way
if we happen to lose our direction
lead us back with Your correction.

Let us seek Your instruction,
help us over each obstruction
if we should falter or hesitate
lead us back to our Shepherd's gate.

Father God, hear our prayer,
protect us from the wolves out there
if we should follow ~ even one
lead us back to Your beloved Son!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless 
Psalm 32:8
King James Version

"I will instruct thee and teach thee in
the way which thou shalt go: I will
guide thee with mine eye."

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Circle of friends

Circle of friends

Oh,joy can be profound
Though foes be around
In the circle of friends
Life beautifully blends

It's so nice to be real
To know one understands how you feel
In the circle of friends
There's no need to pretend

Cheering us in times of tears
Helping us through heart-felt prayers
Through life's curves and bends
Friends help us comprehend

That we are needed and loved
Uniquely by our Father above
Through triumphs,through tears
Friends will always stay near

Oh,what joy,what joy!
Their company we really enjoy
Precious ones so dear
Lending us listening ears

Beaming their seraphic smile
Heaven enfolds us a while
Enjoying their warm embrace
We're wrapped in sweet grace

Their love helps us glow
And forget our sorrows
In the circle of friends
Broken hearts will mend

Oh,lost peace is found
At their lovely sound
Sweet,melodious voices
Encouraging right choices

Angels though in disguise
Giving us timely advice
Oh,the rare treasures God sends
In the circle of friends
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, May 23, 2016

What Really Matters

What Really Matters

It matters not if I ever eat
Gourmet foods and fine steak.
It matters not if I ever wear
The finest clothes they make.

It matters not if I ever drive
The best cars that they sell.
What really matters most to me is
With the Lord, is my soul well?

We can just sin away our lives
And waste them down here below,
Or we can accept Jesus as Savior.
In His grace, then we can grow.

There is great peace in knowing
That when this life here is o'er,
I will step into God's presence
On that peaceful, golden shore.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Allow Yourself

Allow Yourself

Allow yourself to dream,
And when you do dream big

Allow yourself to learn
And when you do learn all you can

Allow yourself to laugh
And when you do share your laughter

Allow yourself to set goals
And when you do reward yourself as you move forward

Allow yourself to be determined
And when you do you will find you will succeed

Allow yourself to believe in yourself
And when you do you will find self confidence

Allow yourself to lend a helping hand
And when you do a hand will help you.

Allow yourself relaxation
And when you do you will find new ideas.

Allow yourself love
And when you do you will find love in return

Allow yourself to be happy
And when you do you will influence others around you.

Allow yourself to be positive
And when you do life will get easier.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Go some where to Church Sunday ,and Be Blessed