Friday, July 15, 2016

After the Light

After the Light

Rush, rush, rush about
So much needs to be done
Not enough time in the day
Race against the sinking sun.

Oh, but light can wither
Scorch the gentlest soul
If the battle loses purpose
Focused only on the goal.

Time marches on, no matter
The sun that warms the air
Then fades unto the darkness
As God waits quietly there.

The night is still and calm
Distant sounds of life abound
Until all life settles, then
Not even a whisper of a sound.

Our Father longs to hear
A voice that cries in the night
Surrendering every thought
Alone with Him, after the light.

The Lord is present always
But we falter in the fight
Rush, rush, rush about
Trying to do what is right.

A shadow so wondrous comes
The Spirit intercedes, holds tight
Moans words inexpressible, at last
Alone with Him, after the light.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bell
Romans 8:26
Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weakness. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercessions for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

A Future of Hope

A Future of Hope

In solitude and time of prayer
I cried to the Lord in quiet despair
My feelings hurt and emotions raw
If only I could see what the Lord saw
He whispered gently to my soul
Don't let discouragement take you from the fold
You receive my blessings day by day
And some days just don't go your way
But I have special plans for you
For a life of peace and joy too
You have a future full of hope
I am here to help you cope
Seek me daily I'm listening for you
Search for me with your heart so true
I will lead you back to a safe place
Where we can talk face to face
There's no mountain too steep
Nor any valley that's so deep
That God can't lead you from where you roam
Back to His peace and comfort and safety of home
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, July 13, 2016



Will we fear a natural disaster,
A hurricane, earthquake, or flood?
Or will we believe in the infinite power
Of the One, who for us, shed His blood?
Will we fear a demon's touch,
lament how Satan's presence fills the earth?
Or will we trust in our Shield of protection,
believing in the One of humble birth?
Do we fear the onset of disease,
what the medical tests might reveal?
Or will we trust that, if it's His will,
He has the unquestioning power to heal?
Are we concerned about our mortality?
Do we worry about a premature death?
Or will we trust the One who said, "Father, forgive them,"
with His final dying breath?
Will we trust the One who said, "Be still"
who can calm our personal storm,
and believe the One who cherishes us
will always keep us safe from harm?
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless

Will we defer to public opinion?
Or will we trust the One who has dominion?

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Proverbs 24: Life Principles that Ensure Success

Proverbs 24: Life Principles that Ensure Success

Here is what makes a family strong, the elements for success:
Parents choose appropriate values around which they coalesce.
They construct the foundation of their home with wisdom from on high
Furnishing it with His wealth of knowledge from heaven's endless supply.

Godly wisdom brings power and strength to one's intellect and spirit,
But sadly so many reject His Word and simply will not hear it.
God's Wisdom is too high for such fools; they live in the worldly system.
Until they turn to God above, there is nothing that can assist him.

If you faint in times of trouble, your strength is feeble indeed.
Those who love God run the race with an inexorable will to succeed.
The righteous may fall time and again but rise to continue the race
Knowing the day is coming soon when he will see Him face to face.

Rescue those unjustly sentenced; unfairly condemned to die-
The infant still in his mother's womb, helpless to utter a cry.
Don't try to tell God a child born will spoil your satisfaction.
You will be judged not by your words, but solely by your actions.

Do not admire evildoers or envy the wicked folks,
For evil people have no future, nor do have any hope.
The Day of Judgment will surely come; they cannot flaunt their sin.
For them the Lake of Fire awaits, and they will be thrown in.

If you are a man of authority, one trusted to be a judge,
Don't use your office to favor your friends nor to advance a grudge.
If you declare the wicked righteous, your reputation is stained.
There is no way such obvious sin can ever be explained.

I observed a lesson in the field of a lazy farmer indeed.
It don't know why he sowed the soil with his valuable seed.
Thorns and nettles covered the field, the walls were broken down.
There will not be much of a harvest to take to market in town.

A little slumber, some extra sleep, too many stops to rest
Brings poverty and devaluation, your property worth less and less.
It is hard to see enterprise fail because of a lack of ambition
Instead of success he finds himself in the opposite condition.

I trust these proverbs written above, whose source is God's perfect Word
Will be treasured by those who read them; their message clearly heard.
Heed the advice of omniscient God; no one knows life better:
There's far more joy being an owner than to serve as a lazy debtor.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Matthew 1:20
" angel of the Lord appeared to him (Joseph) in a dream and said,
"Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid
to take Mary home as your wife,
because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit."

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Life's Changes

Life's Changes

When our hopes and dreams are shattered
And they seem to be out of range
It's the ability to know what we need
In our lives to make a change.

We must find out what's important
Not what we want, but what we need
Our lives should be filled with love and joy
Not anger, lust or greed.

So fill your life with things that are new
And get rid of the bad and the old
'cause it's always hard to take criticism
Or to do what we are told.

But the change is deep within us
If we look we just might find
The key that unlocks the door to change
So we won't be left behind.

So when you let God change your life
Your life will start to change you
And when it is all said and done
Your life's changes will be new.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless