Friday, October 21, 2016

You Are My Portion, O Lord

You Are My Portion, O Lord

You are my portion, O Lord,
You are all that I need.
Your goodness fills me up,
when on your Word, I feed.

The measure of Your grace,
fills me to the brim.
For, when I study and read,
Your sufficiency sets in.

With each verse that I tuck,
deep down in my heart.
My joy becomes complete,
as Your hope You impart.

I find peace in each Word,
and the promises they hold.
For, they satisfy and keep,
my heart from growing cold.

The degree of my faith,
can be found on each page.
May the amount of my trust,
in Your power be my gauge.

The scriptures refresh me,
they bring peace to my soul.
And I find true contentment,
knowing You are in control!

You are my portion, O Lord;
I have said that I would keep Your words. Psalm 119:57

Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Despair to Peace

Despair to Peace

Do you ever feel rather lost and alone?
Family and friends living lives of their own,
That no one knows what you're going through,
Whether real or imagined, it seems real to you?

Life can be hard with it bruises and blows,
And you've tried hard not to let them show.
But there's hope if you're feeling down in this way
For God gave you a gift you can receive today.

God said He would never leave you alone.
So He sent His Son, Jesus, from His heavenly throne,
To come here and provide salvation for your soul
And take the fragments of your life and make you whole.

There's only one way to go from despair to peace
And that's by asking Jesus into your heart for release
From the guilt of your sins you've committed against Him,
So the gift of His Spirit can freely come in.

God's gift of salvation can mend any heart,
And your outlook on life will have a fresh start.
He'll wrap you in warmth and in His arms you'll know
His love is forever, and He will never let you go.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless



With God by my side and in my mind, the world's problems are smaller,
Causing my thoughts to be somewhat purer, for pure is their Installer.
God can surely change the world, beginning in the heart and in the mind,
Whenever a person gives their life to him and leaves the old one behind.

The world's stress is powerful and deadly without the right helping hand,
Many have tried it in the past and have found themselves on sinking sand.
Some who were considered to be brilliant in the eyes of their fellow man,
Yet they too succumbed as the pressure was greater than they could stand.

I'm certain that God has never left me and am satisfied that He never will,
Although there are times I stumble and fail, I know that He loves me still.
He knows that for as long as I'm in the flesh, there are mistakes I'll make,
Then Jesus tells Him that this is one that on the cross, his place I did take.

This world's problems will continue to grow and cause stress, if you allow,
The only way to prevent this is by going to God and let Him show you how.
With your thoughts centered around Him, that stress load becomes lighter,
When He is walking by your side, the journey through life will be brighter.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Light of God

Light of God

The stars are shining in heaven tonight
follow their path to God's glorious light
we will shine in the glory of the divine
seeking His righteousness through time

The eyes of God are always upon me
the stars shining, dwelling in eternal glory
The peace of God transcending on this heart
My God's light prevailing among the dark

It's Your light, your stars in the sky
that twinkle that stirs in my waking eye
the beauty that I long to embrace
the glory of God that I always chase

Your light is endless, no boundaries it holds
Your light leads to glory, to a path paved in gold
Your light shines so marvelous for every eye to see
You are the light, my life, you live within me
Jan Bagwell
God Bless 

Monday, October 17, 2016

Hamster's Wheel

Hamster's Wheel

This world's a spinning hamster's wheel;
Around, around, around we go.
Go here, go there, we're running still
And chasing after . . . who can know?

We have a goal to get there soon,
With blinders down we race ahead.
Must hurry faster, almost noon;
So much to do before we're dead.

So still we tread the spinning wheel,
An aimless course, in vain we raced.
But we proclaimed, "My right, my will"
While chasing doom with endless haste.

So pause, slow down and take a breath;
Take up the reins to slow your zeal.
So little time before your death;
To know He's God, you must be still.
Jan Bagwell 
God Blesss