Friday, June 26, 2015

A Completed Journey

A Completed Journey

When my eyes close for the last time and my journey here is complete,
I'll arrive in heaven, given a glorified body and walk a golden street.
With the many problems and sorrows of this world, all left far behind,
Then I will never again have to deal with pain or sickness of any kind.

When I think of heaven, the only picture I have is the one in my mind,
And Jesus said my imagination couldn't conceive the glory I'll find.
He is it's preparer and He's perfect in any way that perfect can be,
Therefore heaven will be the perfect place for anyone to spend eternity.

When in heaven, as I look up, will I still see that fluffy white cloud,
Then as the saints gather around, will I recognize faces in the crowd.
If I have a name in heaven, will it be the one I answered to on earth,
That was chosen and given to me by my parents at the time of my birth.

As my eyes close, leaving this world behind and heaven's well in sight,
All of my questions will be answered as I behold The Everlasting Light.
This Light being Jesus, The Supplier of everything that I'd ever needed,
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Angels Song

The Angels Song

I heard a cry from heaven ringing loud in my ear
the tune of a harp, its crisp chorus so near
I heard several singing the sweetest lullaby
that would make even the most tender heart cry

The song was like a thousand prayers
one by one each casting there cares
The song it displayed a great melody
that could be heard on earth as it be

Never had I heard an angel sing
the divine tunes exalting a king
for the moment I was lost in the sound
the angels were singing of His righteous crown

Never had I heard such joyful noise
the beauty of the angels, with there shiny toys
It carried a tune with such great delight
the angels singing under heavens' light
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Life's Changes

Life's Changes

When our hopes and dreams are shattered
And they seem to be out of range
It's the ability to know what we need
In our lives to make a change.

We must find out what's important
Not what we want, but what we need
Our lives should be filled with love and joy
Not anger, lust or greed.

So fill your life with things that are new
And get rid of the bad and the old
'cause it's always hard to take criticism
Or to do what we are told.

But the change is deep within us
If we look we just might find
The key that unlocks the door to change
So we won't be left behind.

So when you let God change your life
Your life will start to change you
And when it is all said and done
Your life's changes will be new.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tear-stained Mile

Tear-stained Mile

Beneath the verdant tresses of the willow and the pine
Where tender breeze caresses all the hearts that walk this line
A solemn sad procession here has journeyed through the years
As tender thoughts of loved ones dear are cherished in their tears

We grasp the misty silence as we hunger for their touch
Of the one no longer present and we miss them oh, so much
We reach toward the heavens for a hand to hold awhile
As we tread the weathered pathway of the  tear-stained mile

The trees above in reverence bow their heads as there we weep
Faithful through the ages, silent vigil they will keep
As to the earth we render those we still would choose to hold
But humbly must surrender to the Shepherd of the fold

In greener pastures some sweet day, we'll see them all at last
Beyond this cold and bitter fray some day we'll hold them fast
No more to walk in sorrow's grasp, or hungry for their smile
In victory then their hands we'll clasp beyond this tear-stained mile

Ah, somewhere in this hallowed land no tear will dim the eye
And somewhere on this golden strand loved ones will never die
And somewhere in that home sweet home how sweet will be our smile
Because at last, at last we've come beyond the tear-stained mile
Jan  Bagwell
God  Bless !

Sunday, June 21, 2015

When we walk in the Dark

When we walk in the Dark

When we walk in the dark,
Jesus will bring us to His light
when we embrace our fears
He'll hold us through the night.

When we feel we are unloved,
Jesus will call out our name
when we feel our own disgrace
He'll take away our shame.

When we feel over burdened,
Jesus will carry away our strife
when we feel the sting of death
He'll bring us eternal life.

When we feel like giving up,
Jesus will stretch out His hand
when we feel faint and weak
He'll help us to rise and stand.

When we feel there is no hope,
Jesus will bring to us His love
when we feel our heart heavy
He'll send mercy from above.

When we walk in His light,
all things become more clear
when we come out of the dark
He will hold us close and near!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !