Friday, March 24, 2017

Defined by grace

Defined by grace

When I am frightened and my insecurity shows,
I pray You will surround me and hold me close.
When I am feeling defeated and at a loss,
I pray You open my eyes to see the cross.
When I try to do it on my own,
I pray You will remind me to kneel before Your throne.
And when I seem unwilling to hear
I pray Your words find their way to my unfaithful ear.

May I hear Your whispering voice,
through the deafening sounds of worldly noise:

"I saw you try to do it on your own,
but there is no need to struggle all alone.
I will hold you, as you lean against my chest.
Don't resist, just have a rest.
Tell me your worries, no need to be eloquent or clear.
I will understand and wipe away every escaping tear.
Remember, your worth is not measured by earthly praise.
My dear child, you are defined by holy grace.”

Thursday, March 23, 2017

I Prayed A Prayer For You

I Prayed A Prayer For You

I prayed a prayer for you tonight
And I promise to pray tomorrow
A heavy sigh escapes from me
A little moment of you I borrow.

There is a calmness in your words
Maybe even a serene-like peace
Having been a student of pain
When it leaves, a sweet release.

I prayed a prayer for you tonight
Something I never thought to do
It was such a tender prayer
Praying Godly thoughts for you.

Even now I can hear your voice
It will never leave, you see
Especially now I'm old and gray
Still it comes, comes to me.

I prayed a prayer for you tonight
From my heart a prayer so pure
Touched by your sincerity
A prayer to help you endure.

When life comes at you hard
It can bring you pretty low
Remember that I prayed for you
And I wanted you to know.

I prayed a prayer for you tonight
The Lord and I had this talk
I prayed a prayer for you tonight
In the quiet of my walk.

I prayed a prayer for you tonight
Knowing God is by your side
I prayed a prayer for you tonight
Then one last tear I cried.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The finer things

The finer things

God allows people in our lives for various reasons,
Sometimes they come and go, just like the seasons.
There are friends whose words really make our day,
There are those who really don't have much to say,
But you have chose the finer things.

Words spoken in love seem to always have a place,
While thoughtless remarks seem to bring disgrace.
We have a choice in the words that we say,
Whether to darken or brighten someone's day,
But you have chose the finer things.

Your words of encouragement have brightened many a day,
Your Godly wisdom, love and caring always shows the way.
Your words give comfort as you share them from your heart,
It's hard to express my thanks, or even know where to start,
For you have chose the finer things.

Yes, friends may come, while other friends may go,
But, now there is one thing I'm sure I know.
My God has blessed me with such a precious friend,
I'll always cherish that honor to the very end,
For I have chose the finer things.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Total Surrender

Total Surrender

Total surrender,
God wants it all
everything you have
nothing is too small.

You must give Him,
all of your heart
He wants it in whole
even the smallest part.

Total surrender,
God wants to see
how much you want
to with Him ~ be.

You need to submit,
to His perfect will
you must be willing
to wait and be still.

Total surrender,
God wants to know
how much you want
to in Him ~ grow.

You have to let go,
of your selfish desires
you must be ready
to do all He requires.

Total surrender,
God wants all of you
but you have to want
all of Him too!
Romans 12:1
King James Version 

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by 
the mercies of God, that ye present 
your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, 
acceptable unto God, which is your 
reasonable service."

Sunday, March 19, 2017

My Personal Prayer

My Personal Prayer

My Father in heaven
I honor Your Name.
Let Your Kingdom come
while Your love I proclaim.
Your will is my pleasure;
help me to obey
Your every command
As in Heaven, I pray.
You know well my needs,
grant what I need to live;
and pardon my sins
as my foes I forgive.
Don't let me be tempted,
but when trials are strong
I'll claim Your protection
to keep me from wrong.
Then, when my life ends
and all troubles are past,
I'll share in Your Kingdom
and glory at last!