Saturday, March 21, 2015

From Death Unto Life

From Death Unto Life

Behold the scene; it is serene,
But sorrow is in the air.
Friends and loved ones weep
For Lazarus, a brother so fair.

"Our brother died," Martha sighed,
As she greeted her Master so dear.
"You could have healed his body,
If only You would have been here."

"But I believe that You'll receive
Of God whatsoever You pray."
Jesus said, "Thy brother will rise."
Said Martha, "Yes, at the last day."

Then Martha heard her Master's word,
And she forgot her sorrow and strife.
Jesus turned to her and said,
"I am the resurrection and the life."

Then Jesus said, "Though he were dead,
If one believes on Me, he shall live.
Martha, believest thou this?" He asked.
"Lord, I believe!" A reply she did give.

Jesus neared the grave; it was in a cave.
"Take away the stone," he said.
"But Lord, he stinketh!" said Martha.
"For four days he has been dead."

There was a shout for him to come out.
"Lazarus, come forth!" Jesus cried.
Then came forth a living Lazarus,
That man who had already died.

He made no sound for he was bound.
"Loose him and let him go!"
Many Jews believed on Jesus that day.
They said, "He's the Christ, we know!"

If you believe, you will receive
Salvation, the gift of God's love.
Though you may die, you'll live again
In that great Heavenly home above.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Of all acts of man repentance is the most divine.
The greatest of all faults  is to be conscious of none.

Friday, March 20, 2015



We are all walking to Him
Each at a different pace
None the less we are going
To that unimaginable  place.

The road is sometimes difficult
But time passes quickly by
Until a feeling of content
Breathing a heartfelt sigh.

He waits with open arms
Our journey soon will end
His peace flows so sweetly
From angels that He will send.

The look of sorrow is fading
There is nothing we will miss
All of the hurts inside us
Replaced by exquisite bliss.

We pass others on the road
Their tears touch our soul
Knowledge and wisdom fill a heart
So close to becoming whole.

Wanting to live a godly life
Trusting only in His Word
Every prayer we cried to Him
He answered and He heard.

We are all walking to Him
On a road that is Heaven sent
To hear Him whisper softly
Dear ones, I bring to you content.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please pray for me .


 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
 I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Heaven Holds Many of Mine

Heaven Holds Many of Mine

Life can surely be exquisite
If you breathe, breathe Him in
Peace, peace unfathomable comes
No room, no room for sin.

Surrendering every single thought
The Holy Spirit will draw near
Then fill you so completely
Conquering every imagined fear.

But one, a fear of mortals
That brings a heartfelt sigh
When God comes to claim one
Tears fall down as we cry.

The most pondered question comes
Why did my loved one have to die?
Knowing Heaven opens the door
Still, there is the thought, why?

Heaven holds many of mine
Thoughts of them fill my head
But I know, I know I am going
For this is what God said.

"I will never forsake you"
To Christians He gives a sign
Let Me come inside your heart
Then forever you are Mine.

Heaven holds many of mine
Someday my loved ones I'll see
For His promise is eternal life
With Him exalted and free.
1st Thessalians  4:13
But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !
Please  Pray for me



Under the cover of night
or the sun's brightest light
He holds his head high
as he fights the good fight

With super-human compassion
and the kindness of ten men
Always helping others
over and over again

He has a vision of peace
even as peace is on the decline
Who is this hero?
They call him angel-5

She offers all she has
and asks only one thing in return
and that's we all do the same
when it comes to our turn

She says all will have the chance
to lend a helping hand
To spread one true love
all across the land

In her beautiful mind
every town will have a sign
"All are welcome here"
and it's
signed "angel-5"

They don't wear a cape
nor a mask upon their face
They can't become invisible
or disappear without a trace

They can't fly above the skies
or make a building rise
Lasers don't beam
when they
open their eyes

They're just regular people
with a spectacular design
and if we look in our own hearts
we are all angel-5

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Jesus  Loves You !
Please be pray for me  I have a medical problem  

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I Lift Up My Heart

I Lift Up My Heart

Lord, I lift up to You,
my heart and soul
I release unto You
complete control.

Come into my life,
seek and explore
search down deep
like never before.

Show unto me,
sin still un-confessed
then in Your mercy
let me, be blessed.

Pardon the errors,
of my rebellious ways
continue working in me
the rest of my days.

Lord, I lift my heart up,
my hands I raise . . .
to You my soul gives
all glory and praise!

Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !

Monday, March 16, 2015

God Loves Us

God Loves Us

We pick the daisy’s petals,
to see if we’re loved or not
we wish upon a star . . .
hoping our dreams are caught.

We rub a rabbit’s foot,
hoping love comes our way
we kiss a toad in hopes . . .
it turns into a prince one day.

We toss a penny in a well,
wishing love will finally come
we cross our fingers in hope
our heart-strings it will strum.

We look for the golden key,
to open our heart’s lonely door
we seek the rainbow’s end
hoping true love we will score.

We pick the daisy’s petals,
to see if we’re loved or not
but, we know God loves us . . .
for our lives, Jesus bought!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !