Saturday, August 8, 2009

Summer Beauty

Summer Beauty

The loveliness that I behold
So far beyond compare ,
The joy I feel within my soul
Tells me my Savior’s near .

I see Him in red roses
That bloom along the vine .
I feel Him in the gentle wind
That sweeps the Summer pines .

The sky enfolds me like a glove
Of magic azure blue ,
And I’m reminded that His love
Surrounds me this way, too !

A rolling carpet of green grass
Back up this breathless view
And I know for me that Heaven
Will be in colors of this hue .

As the sun slips slowly out of sight
In it’s westerly direction ,
I want to whisper ,” Please don’t go ,
Don’t end this day’s perfection .”
Jan Bagwell

Friday, August 7, 2009

Springtime in your heart

Springtime in Your Heart

Keep Springtime in your heart
With its healing beams of gold .
Let the fire of Autunn
Warm you through the Winter’s cold .

All through the Wintry winds that blow,
When birds aways have flown,
Picture rays of sunshine
Through Summers you have known.

Feel the warmth of springtime ,
Let Nature’s lovely sounds
Be heard again in spirit
Through all of Winter’s rounds .

And when it’s cold and dark
And deary seems the day ,
Bask in the warmth of God’s great love
That can never pass aways .

Keep Springtime in your heart
Though it may seem long ago
Through falling snow and icy winds
Its warmth in you will glow .

Spring’s lovely flowers ,its azure sky ,
Kept fast in your mind’s eye,
Will show God’s love , keep hope alive
Til Winder passes by .
Jan Bagwell

Please still be praying for Our brothers and sisters .
Sheri and her daughter Paula and Debra King , And Mike

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Last Chord

Seated one day at the organ ,
I was weary and ill at ease ,
And my fingers wandered idly
Over the noisy keys .

I do not know what I was playing ,
Or what I was dreaming then ;
But I struck one chord of music ,
Like the sound of a great Amen .

It flooded the crimson twilight
Like the close of an angel’s Psalm ,
And it lay on my fevered spirit
With a touch of infinite calm .

It quieted pain and sorrow ,
Like love overcoming strife ;
It seemed the harmonious echo
From our discordant life .

It linked all perplexed meanings
Into one perfect peace ,
And trembled aways into silence ,
As if it were loth to cease .

I have sought ,but I seek it vainly ,
That one lost chord divine ,
Which came from the soul of the organ ,
And entered into mine .

It may be that Death’s bright angel
Will speak in that chord again ,-
It may be that only in Heaven
I shall hear that grand Amen .
Jan Bagwell

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Like a Brook

Like A Brook
Life is time of changing courses ,
Changing moods an altered will –
Like a brook that changes pathways
Through the woodlands ,fields and hills ;
It is time of changing values –
From beginning to its end –
Where we choose ,with growing wisdoms
Newer courses ; better friends .

There are years of rushing splenders ,
Reckless thrills and lustful fonds ;
Times of tears that flood and threaten
Loves of life and human bonds ;
Years of struggle – trail and error –
When we reach for higher goals ,

Searching life for truth and comforts
That are balm for heart and soul .

Then there come the years of ebbing ,
In the quiet pool life ,
Where there are no rushing waters –
No demands of youth or strife ;
Graceful years that hold no changes
For our courses ,wills and ways –
Where the lord make calm the waters
That precede our Judgement Day .
Jan Bagwell

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Let It Be said

Let It Be Said

May I go on record as
One whose grateful lips have tasted
Of the sweetest nature has ,
On whose eyes no day was wasted .
May these humble ears be noted ,
For the melodies they heard ,
Pouring from the golden throated
Robin and the Mocking bird .
In the faded pages of
The musty volume of the years ,
Beneath the chapter labeled Love
Inscribe my smiles but not my tears .
List my name among the lowly,
Lest this heart be puffed with pride ,
All that’s good and all that’s holy ,
Will not justly be denied .

These two feet were made to travel ,
Down whatever road He leads
And these two hands to unravel
Tender bloom from bitter weed .
Mine the pen ,but His the phrases,
And whatever these have stirred ,
Be it naught save what upraises
Each man closer to the Lord .
Jan Bagwell

Monday, August 3, 2009

The comfort of His Love

The Comfort of His Love

When I’m in need of courage
On Him I can rely ,
I merely need to ask His help
For He is standing by .

He fortifies my waning strength
When pressures take their toll,
And little heartaches make it hard
To keep tears in control .

He gives me hope for better times
When treasure slip a way ,
He inspires me with glowing faith
That clearly lights my way .

I’m grateful for his blessed
Intervention from above ,
But most of all , I’m grateful
For His sweet , unselfish love .
Jan bagwell

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Oh God ,how great is Thy handiwork

Of Nature’s mighty works on display ,
For miles of breathtaking beauty ,
No pen of man could portray .
Such splender is given to Thy landscapes ,
To places both high and low ,
So that great or small might behold it
We know that our lord planned it so .
I thank God for eyes to behold such splender
And for heart attuned to His own ,
So I can appreciate the wonders of Autumn
Long after it come and gone .
I thank you ,God for each season
Which ever it may be,
For I know there is beauty to be found
If only eyes will see .
Let me not take for granted this great universe
You’ve given for us to enjoy and share,
We know from your word, eye has not seen or ear heard
The joys You’ve prepared for us there.
Jan Bagwell