Friday, December 9, 2016

Bridging the Gap

Bridging the Gap

In Old testament days, God was so close by
Yet, seemed so very far, as hard as man did try
God was right there leading His people throughout the land
Try as they may; man just could not stay on God's plan

After years and years, and king after king
And all the laws of which man did cling
Clearly, man could never fully follow the laws of God
For he couldn't keep from straying off every path he trod

So God in His infinite love, mercy, and grace
Came up with a plan that could save the human race
A plan laid out many years in advance
And relayed to the prophets so that man may have a chance

Foretold for many years that the Son would come to earth
That He would be born of a miraculous virgin birth
He would be called Mighty God, the Prince of Peace,
Wonderful, Counselor, the one who gives sweet release

God sent His only begotten Son to earth
Exactly as the prophets had described His birth
Wise men and shepherds came from afar
Bearing gifts, they traveled led by the star

They came to worship the King on bended knee
Our perfect Savior, our sacrifice to be
The tiny infant who grew to be a sinless man
The Lamb of God; the fruition of God's plan

Compassionate and loving here on earth
Teaching others the things of great worth
This sinless, blameless man willingly died upon the cross
Humiliated and suffering so that man is not forever lost

God bridged the gap for all of mankind
With His perfect well laid design 
Man could never overcome His sinful desires
Only through His perfect Son's sacrifice could that transpire

So as you prepare to celebrate this Christmas
Take time to thank God for His Son Jesus
Remember that this is His birthday celebration
And He deserves our humble, undivided adoration
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Thursday, December 8, 2016

A Christmas Charity Choice

A Christmas Charity Choice

Ann was no stranger to wealth.
She even owned a Rolls-Royce.
Every Christmas, Ann had to make
The Christmas charity choice.

Ann discussed it with Sam, her hubby
A month before Christmas was here.
"Sam, I really want to do something
Unusual for our charity this year."

"Exactly what do you mean?" he asked.
"Choose some worthy cause," my Dear.
"Sam, I prayed and made a decision
To help some homeless ones this year."

"I will act like a homeless person
And hang out with them somewhere,
And maybe I'll find special needs
Among some homeless people there."

Sam began to grin and laugh aloud.
Then he began to shake his head.
"That's too dngerous, Ann, you know.
You could very well end up dead."

Ann found some faded old clothes.
Then she tried to dress like a bum.
She prayed and found a homeless group,
Who were sharing a bottle of rum.

They shunned her as she appoached.
She was not part of their clan,
But she stayed with them anyway
And observed each woman and man.

Soon an old truck rolled to a stop.
There exited a lady and a man.
They handed a sandwich to everyone.
"God bless you," said Betty and Dan.

When they left, Ann found a letter.
It fell from the truck to the ground.
It was an eviction notice. Said Ann,
"My charity choice I have found!"

Ann wasted no time that very day,
For such speedy plans she laid.
She found them and wrote a check.
"With a sandwich, your bills are paid!"

Betty and Dan were not homeless yet,
But because they did God's will,
God honored this with Ann's gift.
They are helping the homeless still.
JIan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Disappointment Doesn't Equal Discouragement

Disappointment Doesn't Equal Discouragement

Everybody lives with disappointments that come their way
But you choose your own reactions each and every day
Discouragement can easily take a hold on you
Or you can rise to the challenge, knowing God will see you through

Faced with the knowledge of a horrible fate for his country
Instead of anger and hurt, Habbakuk held on to His faith in the Almighty
He wrote a hymn of worship and rejoiced in His Lord above
Rejoiced in God's strength and the knowledge of His love

God supports all of us in exactly the same way
He is always with us; And He's exactly the same God today
Don't let burdens and challenges consume your life
Trust in God and continually praise Him in through your struggles and strife
Jan Bagwell
God Bless 

Monday, December 5, 2016

A Great Big Heart

A Great Big Heart

Here sitting on an old park bench,
I watched the folks walk by.
They scurried here and scurried there
for something else to buy.

Surrounded by bright colored lights
were reindeer and a sleigh.
I saw a girl searching 'round
and this I heard her say,

"I can't find Jesus anywhere.
The stable's not in view.
The shepherds should be somewhere here.
The wise men should be too.

"Where is Christmas? Where is Christmas?"
she came to me and asked.
To answer her great question seemed
a hopeless, futile task.

I thought awhile before reply.
I hoped it would suffice.
I felt so dumb and speechless but
I offered this advice.

"You know, Christmas isn't Santa,
nor presents under tree.
It isn't fancy colored lights
nor anything we see.

"You can't find Christmas in the mall
or here along the street.
And Christmas isn't green or red.
All that is just deceit.

"Impressed, I am, how smart you are.
You question everything.
I'm glad you know of Jesus' birth
and why the church bells ring.

"No, Christmas isn't what they think
and these folks must admit -
if Christmas isn't in their hearts,
they'll simply never find it."

She stood there quiet for a bit,
then turned and walked away.
She walked in thought quite slowly, so
I prayed she was okay.

I hoped I didn't puzzle her
or tear her dreams apart...
But then she turned, called back to me,
"I have a great big heart!"

I didn't see her after that
but knew she'd be okay.
This bench and I hold memories
as others run astray.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless