Friday, October 31, 2014

Jesus Knows Your Pain Jesus knows your pain,

Jesus Knows Your Pain

Jesus knows your pain,
He understands your grief
He knows that only His love
can bring your heart relief.

He recognizes your sorrow,
He sees the spiteful sting
and the grace He has for you
in your life, He wants to bring.

He's aware of your rejection,
He hears others put you down
and His favor and His mercy
will be your victory crown.

He identifies with your hurt,
the tenderness of your ache
and He will bring you comfort
that no man could ever break.

For He too ~ was rejected,
His life others gladly discarded
and He knows the agony inflected
when your cry is disregarded.

Jesus knows your pain,
He wants to give you relief
so He died to put an end to
your sorrow and your grief.
Isaiah 53: 3
“He is despised and rejected of men ;
a man of  sorrows’ , and  acquainted with,
grief : and we hid  as it were our faces
from him : he was despised , and  we
esteemed him  not “
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Do Not Worry

Do Not Worry

Do not worry,
it’s easy for us to say
but for the most part . . .
it’s not the chosen way.

For, we worry over things,
we cannot control
over the ones we can . . .
worry, still takes its toll.

Do not worry,
if we do, we don’t trust
that God is truly able . . .
to take care of us.

For, when we worry,
it only makes us doubt
the things impossible . . .
God can even work out.

Do not worry,
do not be dismayed
give God your weakness . . .
for His strength today!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Praise God  always and be  thankful !!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Heart of Peace

A Heart of Peace

In a world full of pain and hurt
Perilous times to disconcert
Wars and crime in the street
Pestilence per chance to meet

Fear is filling many a heart
Threatening to tear this world a part
Panic over these turbulent times
Many have lost their peace of mind

But I am content in this day
For God is with me all the way
He is forever in control
I know the future; He does hold

God gives me my heart of peace
He is my daily sweet release
No matter the perils all around
With Him I'm rooted on solid ground.
Jan Bagwell
God bless !

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Remember, Read My Heart

Remember, Read My Heart

My Child, when sorrow covers you,
when every hope departs,
though faith may seem to be afar,
remember, read My Heart.

When you feel lost and all alone,
and suffer fear’s dread darts,
temptation will say I have gone,
but you can read My Heart.

For in your time of deepest need
you must this promise hold.
I love you more than words can say
more than can e’er be told.

I carry you within my breast.
Each hurt you bear, I feel.
And though all else may turn to dust,
My care for you is real.

So weather faithfully the storms
that tear and dash apart
each remnant of your earthly life.
Remember, read My Heart.

Fret not to understand the why
of losses you must bear.
For there will come a Time, you’ll see,
when I make all things fair.

Now rest your head upon my arm,
and we will bear the pain.
Though dark the night and steep the way,
I with you will remain.

Don’t trust the weakness of dim sight
for I the course will chart.
And when you fear you are alone,
remember, read My Heart.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
“How priceless is your unfailing love !
Both high and low among men  find refuge in
The shadow of your wings .”
Psalm 35:7

Monday, October 27, 2014

The end of the show

The end of the show

Time speeds ahead, when time used to stand still
and I can't catch time when I'm running uphill
and I can't make up time that I threw away
The only time I have is this moment, this day
I've got time to die or I've got time to grow
because when the music's the end of the show

I have to remember that yesterday's gone
and I can't forget I might not see another dawn
but it seems to me, and this is just the way it seems
that if I'm happy right now, then I'm living my dreams
and why shouldn't I shine, why shouldn't I glow
because when the curtain's the end of the show

All my little babies, on earth no one gets put above you
I will love you forever, and forever I will love you
This life is but a moment and you only get one shot
but don't think for a moment that it's all that you've got
It doesn't matter where you're at in life, but where you're gonna go
because when the lights go's the end of the show
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
The Work of the Believer

The world's definition of success differs greatly from God's. Take the role of a pastor, for example--it would be easy to accept accolades for church growth, as many people equate high attendance numbers with a minister's effectiveness. But the Lord desires that we obey Him with humility. Whether we draw a crowd or not, success is measured by obedience.

This looks different for each believer. Some Christians have very visible jobs, so their efforts are public and obvious. Others serve Christ in quiet, less noticeable ways.

God bestows upon His followers gifts tailored to each one's ordained assignments. The Holy Spirit reveals our calling, and we're to give our best effort. Of course, no matter what the task may be, the result will be worthless unless the Father breathes life into it. In other words, we are entrusted with God-appointed work. He assigns the duty, provides the skills, and causes growth. The Lord deserves all of the glory. We are blessed simply to be a part of His plan.

As mere vessels that God uses, we should be thankful for anything He accomplishes through us. And by giving Him all the credit, we need never feel defeated with disappointment. Rather, in spite of how things may appear, we trust Him to achieve His good purpose.

Honor is misplaced unless it goes directly to the One who creates, sanctifies, and sustains. God created you for specific tasks to further His kingdom. He wants to use your life--and will allow you to watch His powerful hand at work. Listen for His leading, and praise Him for all He accomplishes.