Friday, August 10, 2012

The Anchor Holds

I have journeyed
Through the long, dark night
Out on the open sea
By faith alone
Sight unknown
And yet His eyes were watching me

The anchor holds
Though the ship is battered
The anchor holds
Though the sails are torn
I have fallen on my knees
As I faced the raging seas
The anchor holds
In spite of the storm

I've had visions
I've had dreams
I've even held them in my hand
But I never knew
They would slip right through
Like they were only grains of sand


I have been young
But I am older now
And there has been beauty
That these eyes have seen
But it was in the night
Through the storms of my life
Oh, that's where God proved
His love to me
Written By
 Ray Boltz: 
Please Remember Brother Jimmy Holliday lost his dad . I do know when things are going the  way that I don't expect them to . My Father God , reminded me the the , THE ANCHOR HOLDS , Praise GOD !!!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !! 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Beautiful Land Called Heaven

   That Beautiful Land  Called Heaven

I read of a land more fair than this,
    It’s free from sin and shame ,
It is a land of perfect bliss ,
    Where none are sick or lame .
It is a land forever free
     From disappointed sad ;
Where all the saints in love agree
     In things that make them glad .
It is a land where strife will end ,
     Where greed and pride will cease ,
Where all will join in heart and hand
     In universal peace ,
It is a land of true success ,
     Where all are doing well ,
Where all rejoice and praise the Lord ,
     Who saved their souls from hell.
It is a land of no regrets
      That cast their shadows round .
It is a bright and happy land .
       In which no clouds are found .
The unkind word will never sting
       Within this land above ,
For all will speak like Christ their King ,
      The King of peace and love .
Here broken hearts will all be healed ,
      And friends will part no more .
Eternal joys are here revealed
     On those celestial shores .
Through countless ages onward roll ,
     Its pleasures never cease .
Then let the Christ into your soul,
     And share His eternal peace .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please remember Jimmy Holliday , his dad died .
Funeral services for Mr. Holliday will be held at 2:00 PM Friday in the Liberty Mortuary Chapel. Visitation will be Thursday evening from 6:00 until 8:00 PM at Liberty Mortuary. Burial will be at Hillcrest Memorial Park. 

Grady Holliday, Jr., 82, of 406 College Drive, formerly of Liberty, SC, was called home to the Lord Monday morning at Margaret Pardee Hospital in Hendersonville, NC. Born in Six Mile, SC, he was the widower of the late Virginia Kate Dorsey Holliday and the son of the late Grady and Cora Elizabeth Gilstrap Holliday, Sr. He enjoyed gardening and was of the Baptist faith. 

Surviving are two daughters, Gayle Kelly of Easley and Wanda Craft of Liberty; a son, Jimmy Holliday of Easley; two grandsons, Derrick Craft and David Kelly.

In ad

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

God heeded the voice of man

"God heeded the voice of man" Joshua 10:14
There are numerous scriptures and stories throughout the Bible that encourage us to pray. Prayer is so important in our lives as Christians, yet it often gets reduced to either 911-type cries for help or routine words that we are accustomed to praying. In the case of Joshua and the battle with the Amorites, he asked the Lord for a miracle of major proportions. Joshua dared to ask God that the sun would not set until their enemies were defeated. Not only did God answer Joshua's prayer but verse 14 further states that "there has been no day like that, before it or after it, that the Lord heeded the voice of a man; for the Lord fought for Israel." The Lord listened and responded to the voice of man.
Does God heed the voice of man today? James 5:16 says that the effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much. Jesus tells us to ask, seek and knock and that whatever we ask in His name will be given. The key to answered prayers, however, is in praying God's will. Because we have the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, we can know how to pray God's will for our lives (I should add "better know" because there are still times when we all struggle to truly understand how to pray the will of God.) But regardless of what we know or how we pray, the point is that we need to pray to the Lord for everything. We should not hold back from asking the Lord for anything we want. It is up to Him to decide if or how He answers.
This day in Joshua's life was extraordinary to say the least. God gave him extra daylight time to completely destroy the five kings who had fled from him. God not only answered Joshua's prayer, but He divinely intervened in this battle Himself. When God has a plan, no one can thwart or hinder what He is going to do. Sometimes we need to pray just for peace in the situation we are in, knowing that the Lord will have His way no matter what we do or do not do. God kept His promises to Joshua and the Israelites and He demonstrated His faithfulness to them in amazing ways.
Is this the same God in our lives today? Absolutely! Do not stop praying and do not allow the enemy to hinder your faith in your prayers. The Lord may not extend our days by keeping the sun from setting, but there are miracles that He does perform in our lives that hold just as much impact. Has God given you promises? Believe in faith that He will fulfill them in your life, maybe not in your timing or by your methods, but in His. He is the same God today as He was to Joshua. Are you expecting the same of Him?
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless
Just remember, God is alway there

Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer Beauty

  Summer Beauty

The loveliness that I behold

     So far beyond compare ,

The joy I feel within my soul

     Tells me my Savior’s near .

     I see Him in red roses

  That bloom along the vine .

I feel Him in the gentle wind

That sweeps the Summer pines .

The sky enfolds me like a glove

        Of magic azure blue ,

And I’m reminded that His love 

     Surrounds me this way , too !

A rolling carpet of green grass

 Backs up this breathless view ,

And I know for me that Heaven

  Will be in colors of this  hue .

As the sun slips slowly out of sight

       In its southerly direction  ,

I want to  whisper , “Please don’t go ,

Don’t end this day’s perfection .”

Jan Bagwell

God Bless !

Guide me in Your truth and teach

me , for You are God my Savior ,

for You I await all the long day ,

because of Your goodness , Lord

Psalm 25:5