Saturday, October 20, 2018

Anchored In Hope

Anchored In Hope

A life anchored in hope,
is one worth living
it brings about faith
praise and thanksgiving.

It’s a life full of trust,
in God for all things
it’s a life secure
under His faithful wings.

A life anchored in Jesus,
is one that is bound
it lives not in fear
for its mind is sound.

It’s a life with meaning,
purpose and direction
it’s a life striving
for godly perfection.

A life anchored in hope,
is one that’s submitted
its heart to Jesus . . .
is fully committed!
Hebrews 6:19

“Which hope we have as an
anchor of the soul,
both sure and stedfast,
and which entereth into
that within the veil;”

King James Version
Public Domain

Thursday, October 18, 2018

I Pray

I Pray 

I pray you have peace in your spirit,
that God's calmness you may enjoy
that in your daily life there is serenity
I pray  God's tranquility to bring you joy.

I pray  you have patience in your trials,
that God's right hand will hold you up
that His wings shadow will be your shelter
I pray  God to take the burden in your cup.

I pray  you'll have praise in your heart,
that your love of the Lord will rise in song
that you will bow down and worship Him
I pray  you will exalt God all the daylong.

I pray  you'll find purpose for your life,
that your hope in Jesus will see you to the end
that God's blessings will find their way to you
I pray  on God you will always depend.

I pray  you have passion in your soul,
that God will give you strength and power
that you will be a witness to the world
I pray  God to enrich you and to empower.

I pray  that prayer is your eternal lifeline,
that God will fulfill all of your needs
that He will send to you His provisions
I pray  that to God's will you'll always heed.

I pray you have peace in your spirit,
that your praise and love never dies
that you will give your life to only Him
I pray  that you never fall for Satan lies!
Ephesians 1:16-17

King James Version

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

God is All Sufficient

God is All Sufficient

I have prayed but God is all sufficient

I have cried but God is the tears
That leak from my eye
That roll down my cheek
That rain on my soul
That water its soil
That has become so weak.

I have wept but God is the groans
That well up in my heart
That echo off its walls
That awaken my soul
That make me aware
Of His everlasting call

I have prayed but God is the answer
To all I have requested
To all I have pleaded
To all I have asked
For everyone I love 
And all that is needed

I have knelt but God stands 
He stands in the void
He stands in the balance
He stands over me
Even in death
Which is to His radiance

I have grieved but God is the pain
That aches for His love
That weeps at its loss
That acknowledges its sin
That provided the Savior
That overcomes all its cost

I have prayed and God is all sufficient
Romans 8:26

A New Heaven and Earth

A New Heaven and Earth

When I think about,
when the earth will be no more
into the Word of God I go
digging deeper as I explore.

I find throughout the pages,
the warnings God has given us
to seek His face while it can be found
and in Him, to learn to trust.

I see for generations,
man’s rebellion against God’s ways
and for the lack of faith
how we like sheep are led astray.

I come upon the verses,
when God knew what He had to do
and so He sent His begotten Son
to bring salvation to me and you.

When I think about,
when the heaven will be no more
I think about the new one . . .
and all for us it has in store!
Matthew 24:35

" Heaven and earth shall pass away,
but my words shall not pass away."

King James Version

Monday, October 15, 2018

Borrowed Words

Borrowed Words

I’m on my knees and humbly bow
But not a single word will come,
For life has crushed my dreams and now
I’m left with feeling cold and numb.

What can I do? I’ll offer praise,
So softly sing, “How Great Thou Art”.
Despite this dark and dreary haze,
A hope begins to fill my heart.

As words begin to slowly flow,
I find I’m singing “It Is Well”
And “Jesus Loves Me, This I Know”,
As joy within begins to swell.

Confessing how I’ve been so blind
While singing of “Amazing Grace”.
“Old Rugged Cross” then comes to mind
As tears begin to streak my face.

The more I praise his wondrous name
The more I feel his presence near;
My worries, fears, my guilt and shame,
Like vapors, start to disappear.

So when again I’m on my knees
And not a single word will come,
I yearn for words to praise him, please
Forgive me if I borrow some.