Saturday, December 24, 2016



They had a set of dishes
Given them when they wed ,
With luck and happiness and wishes
By loved ones ,who to them said
They wished they’d always be happy
As the moment when,”I will,”
Was said with so much rapture
That their hearts were standing still.

The dishes tell a lovely story
Of the lives they were to live _
How they shone in all their glory
When the very first forgive
Was whispered, and I love you truly ,
Which made things right again ,
For it was just as surely said ,
As sun comes after rain

Time as long since passed ,
Since they were first together ,
When he’d sit and ask her
If she loved him as no other –
And she was just content
With the answer in her heart ,
For she knew that it was meant
That they should never part ..

Although their lives had many scars
Like cracks upon the china ,
Their love outshone the mars ,
For it was only minor ,
If the one who’d done the wrong
Down in his heart had sorrow ,
For they never let the sun go down
Without a ,” Bright Tomorrow ,”

She’s an old lady now ,
And he is seventy-two ,
The cups and saucers wonder
What the other one will do ,
Until they both are able ,
To sit at God’s own perfect table ,
Be fed by His own hand
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I wrote this poem about twenty years ago , I had just lost my dad . My mother was morning herself to dealt . My family was at it lowest . I sat at my computer ,an begin praying for answers . This poem was the answer that was given to me . This help my mother get through it . My mother  is 94 years old . A few years ago my brother died ,and again I cry out to My Lord . That when I start writing this blog . This has been God answer to me . It has been a blessing to me . So many times people email me or met me in person and has told me , that they were about to take their own life .And something I wrote change their minds . I guess what I trying to say is . That I pray before I write these poems ,or short stories not on my own but I believe God is giving them to me . He is saying to each and everyone of us ,I LOVE YOU and I know what you are going through .I am not a smart man or a great writer. I just love God with all my heart . If anyone need me just feel free to call on me . It  another Christmas my mother died this year  . Soon  it will be my  turn  to meet my Jesus .

Wednesday, December 21, 2016



Eternal became time-bound
Lying in a trough.
Almighty became human
To show us His great love.

He who formed the universe,
Who stretched out all the skies,
He who sprinkled stars in space
Now, helpless, there He lies.

Once enthroned in the heavens,
The earth His footstool then,
He cannot take a single step,
Who once walked on the wind.

The everlasting Word of God,
Speechless as a babe;
The God who filled up all of space,
Confined now in a cave.

Who formed the hairs on every head
Suddenly can bleed.
The God by Whom all things were made
Now suffers want and need.

He blew life into every man;
Now He takes His first breath.
Immortal God, the Timeless One
Can now feel pain and death.

Oh, how much He loves us!
How much He condescends
To come down from His lofty throne
To be my Savior and my Friend.
.Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Lamb of God

The Lamb of God

In the stillness of a winter night
The earth received God's Holy Light
An infant born to a young virgin girl
One tiny baby who would change the world

Birthed in a lowly barnyard stable
The King of kings who would enable
Born amid the cattle and sheep
The Lamb of God lay fast asleep

Wise men and kings traveled from afar
Led to this baby by the beautiful star
Shepherds were alerted by angels on high
The Savior is come; time to draw nigh

Angels filled the skies in glorious songs
Singing praises to Him all night long
Peace on earth and mercy mild
Came down to us in the form of a child

What a miracle for the world to see
Yet, many don't believe He is our Savior to be
Many think the infant born in the stable
Is someone's version of a long ago fable

Even those who walked with Him on earth
Doubted this man of the virgin birth
His wondrous miracles, compassion, and endless love 
Were not proof enough for them that He came from above

This precious Christmas story is your saving grace
God's gift of love to take sin's place
He sent to this world His only begotten Son
This tiny Lamb of God; the Father's will be done
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless

Monday, December 19, 2016

Jesus, The Greatest Christmas Light

Jesus, The Greatest Christmas Light

This Light came down from heaven, while His beam surrounded all of those who had witness His appearing.
The Light who told all people about the Kingdom of God, while knowing many of them were not hearing.

This Light has always been, just as the Father of lights had no beginning.
The Light of heaven came down to save all of mankind, for all of mankind was sinning.

This Light was also hung on a tree for the entire world to see,
The Light that came so freely, so that He could save you and me.

This Light was put out for three days, while people thought it would never shine again.
The Light had an inner power, a power greater than any other power, a power with no end.

This Light shines brighter now than ever before, and it will never go dim again.
The Light that came so freely, to save you and me from our sins.

This Light is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who has no end.
The Light that shines before all mankind, while convicting them of their sin.

This Light will shine through all people, all people who allow Him to come into their hearts.
The Light, who is waiting for His Father to say to Him, today, Your journey for Your bride starts.

This Light will leave heaven to come get us, so He can take us to heaven for all eternity.
The Light that died to save us all, while setting us all completely free.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Sunday, December 18, 2016

"The Main Event"

"The Main Event"

It's not about a Christmas tree
Or lights that shimmer so…
It's all about the Main Event
That happened long ago!

It's not about Black Friday
Or the dollars that we save…
It's all about a Baby Boy
The gift to us God gave!

It's not about the presents
That give our spirits a lift…
It's all about the Father
Who sent the perfect gift!!!

It's not about receiving things
With monetary worth…
It's all about an infant
Who brings hope to all the Earth!

It's not about St. Nicholas
Or the good deeds that we do…
It's all about The Promised One
Who came to Earth anew!

It's not about adorning trees
With trinkets on each limb…
It's all about His strong desire
For us to worship Him!

It's not about the carolers
Or the melodies that they sing...
It's all about the One who saves,
Who's Christ the Lord and King!

It's not about long Shopping lines
Or filling up our carts…
It's all about us asking Him
To live within our hearts!

It's not about December
Or "Secret Santa" with a friend…
It's all about the Holy One
Who to Heaven did ascend!

It's not about the credit cards
Or bills that we incur…
It's all about the debt He paid
Our salvation to ensure!

It's not about the parties
Or fancy clothes and shoes…
It's all about an Angel
Who brought to us, Good News!!!

It's not about the snow machines
Or holiday flags unfurled…
It's all about a child who came
To save a troubled world!!!

It's not about vacations
Or the twinkling lights above…
It's all about the Father
And His Agape love!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless