Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Greatest Birth Announcement

The Greatest Birth Announcement

As shepherds watched their flocks one night
Abiding in a field near Bethlehem,
There appeared to them an awesome sight.
A great and mighty fear fell on them.

The Angel of the Lord appeared to them.
"To you good tidings I bring!" said He
"A Savior is born unto you in Bethlehem,
Who is Christ, the Lord, you shall see."

"And this shall be a sign unto thee;
In a manger, the Babe ye will find,
Wrapped in swaddling clothes, He'll be.
He is born, the Savior of all mankind."

Then many angels came, praising God then.
"Glory to God in the highest!" said they,
"And peace on earth good will toward men!"
When they were finished, they went away.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Nothing's Too Hard For God

Nothing's Too Hard For God

Sometimes I get so befuddled,
That I don't know where to turn.
Cares of this life weigh me down
With the troubles they concern.

I must always remind myself
I have access to a higher power.
I don't need to worry and fret.
God is with me every hour.

God is with me in the sunshine
And when the dark shadows fall.
I am His blood-bought child,
And upon Him I can always call.

He can solve all my problems.
For Him, nothing is too hard.
God always knows what I need.
He is never caught off guard.

Yes, when I feel downhearted
With some trifling, worldly care,
I must take this burden to God,
And then I must leave it there.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, December 13, 2016



Everything feels topsy-turvy:
Mankind seems to have gone mad!
Wickedness is the new normal -
Evil's good and good is bad.

Raging wars and rumors thereof -
Lies, deception, gore and greed;
Earthquakes, famine, floods and fire
Escalating: gaining speed.

These are evil times we live in
But the worst is still to come;
What seems certain now is that the
Time of sorrows has begun.

Do not fear what must soon happen,
What will presently take place:
Just stay close to God's Son, Jesus -
Persevere and run the race.

Trust in Him and you won't falter;
Get down on your knees and pray.
Shine His light while you are able
'Till He snatches us away.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Prize

The Prize

I’m thankful for his grace and love
And all the many blessings shared.
There’s just one thing I’m thinking of
While scanning all this food prepared.

I’m thankful for the turkey, ham,
The stuffing, rolls, and casserole,
Potatoes mashed, and sweetened yam;
But thoughts remain on blessed goal.

I dip a spoonful on my plate
As I begin to fill my dish.
The tempting treat will need to wait
But I’ll maintain a hopeful wish.

I mustn’t fill my tummy full
For yonder sweetness has my eye.
With yummy food so bountiful,
I’m thankful most for pumpkin pie.

This mirrors life in many ways,
With gifts and blessings plentiful.
We’re stuffed with treasure many days,
No room for glories wonderful.

We must look past this earthly spread
To sights unseen by human eyes.
By trusting all the words he said,
We’ll reach the goal and claim the prize.

Surrounded by these blessings--good,
With mighty cravings to supply,
Let’s keep our focus where we should
And not forget the pumpkin pie.
Jan Bagwell
God bless