Friday, January 15, 2010


Precious little memories
Of little things we’ve done
Make the very darkest day
A bright and happy one

Tender little memories
Of some word or deed
Give us strength and courage
When we are in need

Blessed little memories
Help us bear the cross
And soften all the bitterness
Of failure and of loss .

Priceless little memories
Are treasures without price
And though the gatesway of the heart
They lead to paradise .

Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Priceless Treasures

Priceless Treasures
What could I give you that would truly please
In topsy-turvy times like these ?
I can’t give you freedom from vexations
Or even lessen your irritations
I can’t take away or even make less
The things that annoy , disturb , and distress
For stores don’t sell a single thing
To make the heart that’s troubled sing
They sell the new look suave and bland
But nothing that lends a helping hand ,
They sell rare gifts that are ultrasmart
But nothing to warm or comfort the heart
The joys of life that cheer and bless ,
The stores don’t sell , I must confess
But friends and prayers are priceless treasures
Beyond all monetary measures …
And so I say a special prayer
that God will keep you in his care …
and if I can ever help you , dear ,
in any way throughout the year ,
you’ve only to call , for as long as I live
such as I have , I freely give !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Love God's Gift Divine

Love: God’s Gift Divine

Love is enduring
And patient and kind ,
It judges all things
With the heart not the mind ,
And love can transform
The most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor
And sweetness and grace ,
For love is unselfish ,
Giving more than it takes ,
And no matter what happens
Love never forsakes .
It’s faithful and trusting
And always believing ,
Guileless and honest
And never deceiving .
Yes , love is beyond
What man can define ,
For love is immortal
And God gift is divine

Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wrapped in Winter

Wrapped in Winter
The world was wrapped in winter
This tiny world called home ,
A blanket soft as cotton
As nature’s beauty shown ,
A touch of magic wonder
in snowflakes as they fell ,
And life held quiet beauty
That wintertime could tell .

The lane was wrapped in winter
Each tree wore ermine white ,
With fence posts capped in splendor
Within the dark of night ,

The pathway snug and cozy
Between the banks of snow ,
And stars shone down from heaven
Touched by the afterglow .

The earth was warm with winter
in peaceful , quiet bliss ,
Beneath snow’s magic blanket
A silent happiness ,
Within the arms of nature
All safe and glowing there ,
God wrapped His world in winter
Then left a sunbeam fair .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, January 11, 2010

Jesus' Sake

Jesus' Sake
How great a man would I make
To love my foe for Jesus' sake
And what's it prove to turn my cheek
A stronger man or a man turned weak
For if I might endow the power
To spare the world its final hour
Would I fend for just my brother
Or give myself to serve all others
Jan bagwell