Friday, February 7, 2014

Having The Mind Of Christ

Having The Mind Of Christ


 Christians have a standard
In which to measure their lives.
Christ is our perfect example.
To be like Him, each one strives.

We say, "No person is perfect,"
And we know that it is true,
But we want to be like Christ
In all we say and all we do.

Having the mind of Jesus Christ
Is what our goal should always be.
Even though we will fall short,
Following Christ is always the key.

Let us spend much time in prayer,
And let us read the Word of God.
Then we can be more like Christ
As on this road of life we trod.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please Pray for my Mother 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

God's Love Stays True

God's Love Stays True

God’s love never fails,
it won’t wither or pale
God’s love stays true
makes everything new.

God’s love is firm,
though we may squirm
God’s love is patient
when we’re complacent.

God’s love is kind,
though we’re resigned
God’s love is gentle
when we’re temperamental.

God’s love is just,
though we may not trust
God’s love is pure
when we’re insecure.

God’s love never ceases,
though we fall to pieces
God’s love is hope
when we can’t cope.

God’s love never pales,
though we may fail
God’s love stays true
whilst making us new!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Please Pray for my Mother

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Single Leaf

A Single Leaf

Can I not find a single leaf
that hangs upon a twig,
on hidden tree with millions more
within this valley big?

Can I not find a single bird
that's nestled with the rest,
way deep inside a big ol' world,
protected in its nest?

Can I not find my Comforter
who's there when e're I fall,
who Jesus sent to bring me peace,
if I would only call?

Can I not find a Savior who
had walked around with men,
who was my perfect sacrifice,
so perfect without sin?

Can I not find the God of all,
Creator of all things,
and have my heartstrings failed to break
when one small girl sings?

Can I not find my purpose now
outside my selfish door,
that 'great commission' filled with love
that God has called me for?

Can I not seek beyond my wants,
beyond my worldly place,
beyond the tip of my long nose,
beyond my  face?

Can I not find one tiny soul
who begs and cries for aid,
who's needing someone just like me,
yet I have only prayed...?

Can I not help one tiny child
who's hanging by a thread,
in such a place of hopelessness,
with many others dead.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Pray for my mother { Hazel Bagwell }

A Single Leaf

by louis gander

Can I not find a single leaf
that hangs upon a twig,
on hidden tree with millions more
within this valley big?

Can I not find a single bird
that's nestled with the rest,
way deep inside a big ol' world,
protected in its nest?

Can I not find my Comforter
who's there when e're I fall,
who Jesus sent to bring me peace,
if I would only call?

Can I not find a Savior who
had walked around with men,
who was my perfect sacrifice,
so perfect without sin?

Can I not find the God of all,
Creator of all things,
and have my heartstrings failed to break
when one small girl sings?

Can I not find my purpose now
outside my selfish door,
that 'great commission' filled with love
that God has called me for?

Can I not seek beyond my wants,
beyond my worldly place,
beyond the tip of my long nose,
beyond my pretty face?

Can I not find one tiny soul
who begs and cries for aid,
who's needing someone just like me,
yet I have only prayed...?

Can I not help one tiny child
who's hanging by a thread,
in such a place of hopelessness,
with many others dead.
- See more at:

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Bridge

The Bridge

There is a bridge you can take,
it leads to water's living . . .
it's there you'll find peace
merciful and forgiving.

Over trials and tribulations,
it will take you across
the span of His loving hands
will lead you to the cross.

It is a bridge of assurance,
trouble waters will not last
and for you He has a future
much better than the past.

The hardships in this life,
will take faith to get through
and Jesus is the bridge linking
His Father right to you!

John 14:6
King James Version

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way,
the truth, and the life: no man cometh
unto the Father, but by me."
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please Pray for my Mother ,

Monday, February 3, 2014

Trapped ?


Are you feeling trapped,
caught in the devil's snare
do you feel as if . . .
you're not going anywhere?

Jesus can set you free,
He's the Redeemer of your soul
the great Physician who came
to heal and make you whole.

Are you brokenhearted,
has life treated you unfair
are the burdens in your mind
just too much for you to bear?

Jesus can bring you comfort,
He is our good Samaritan
He will take away from you
the weariness of depression.

Are you parched and famished,
looking for so much more
though, in this world you're rich
do you feel deprived and poor?

Jesus can satisfy all your needs,
for He is the Bread of Life
all those who come to Him
are no longer slaves to their strife.

Are you feeling trapped,
in need of a new destiny?
Then you need to come to Jesus
and claim your heavenly treasury!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless