Friday, February 28, 2020

My God this Night

My God this Night

All praise to you my God this night;
Beneath Your own wings;
For all your blessings of Your Light;
Until I live with You my King.

Forgive me God for Your dear Son:
The world, the Pharisees, and me;
The ills that I have this day have done,
You bled for me so Your peace may be.

Teach me to live, my Exalted Head!
Teach me to die so I may lay
In my grave as little as my bed;
Rising at the Judgement day.

When in the night I sleeplessly lie;
Let no ill dreams disturb my rest;
Nor, my soul with fearsome thoughts supply;
Nor, powers of darkness will molest.

Oh when shall I, in endless days,
With hymns divine with angels sing
Forever chase dark sleep away
While praising You Eternal King?

Thursday, February 27, 2020

God Answers Prayer

God Answers Prayer

God answers our prayers
not because we pray so good
but because He is a great God
and answers like He said He would
It's not flowery words or phrasing
that gets His attention to hear
but a sincere heart that seeks Him
is when He draws near
God listens to all our groanings
and knows our every need
He hears the cry of the poor and needy
and with compassion will take heed
Matthew 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
6:8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

He's Preparing Rooms

He's Preparing Rooms

Within the shadow of the Savior’s wings,
In a pavilion from the strife of tongues,
With His love, Christ quiets me by singing
As I climb Jacob’s ladder rung by rung.
Far above, in a mansion heavenly,
Rooms within Jesus is preparing for.
It’s there my Savior has a place for me,
He’s ever to the sheep an open door.
Seeking to honor His command I found
To keep His law was not within my reach.
Instead of feeling freedom I felt bound,
Until for His strength Him I did beseech.
For all accursed Jesus bled in agony,
I’ve His finished work upon the cross for me.

Monday, February 24, 2020

The Most Important Day

The Most Important Day

In an interview, the sports star recalled
A highlight he remembered well
It said it ranked above all the rest
To all who would listen, he loved to tell

The broker boasted of his stock
And of one crucial choice he made
The most important day, he said
In his memory this one wouldn't fade

The building located at first and main
Where a lady owned a thriving shop
Business exceeded her expectations
This success ushered her near the top

All of these are to be admired
Drive and ambition earn respect
Choices often shape destiny *
Talents no one should neglect

Many stories we could enumerate
Of the day a crucial choice was made
Will it be one that endures storms
Or will it be as flowers that fade

After all is said and done
When we consider eternity
There is nothing more important
Than choosing our final destiny
* (Luke 12: 16 - 21)

Sunday, February 23, 2020

King of Our Souls

King of Our Souls

King of our souls, regard our cries;
Hide our lives beyond above.
As our faithful Guide, Your strength supplies
Us all of Your sufficient love.

Your life confirms; Your love inspires;
While Your gentle Spirit imparts
New lives touched by Your Holy Fire;
Created from Your own heart.

When every mortal friend has fled;
Not suffering us to fear;
Our forgiveness You have bled
So that all of world will hear.

Your heavenly Kingdom will keep;
What in Your eyes Your tears have sown;
Granting us Your joy to reap;
When the shofar's blast takes us Home.

Your might is all invincible!
You're armed with the armor divine
To shake every gate of Hell;
Then - Salvation from Your soul to mine.