Friday, November 9, 2012

Jesus , Wonderful Lord !

Jesus, Wonderful Lord!

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.  Isaiah 9:6
Born among cattle, in poverty sore,
Living in meekness by Galilee's shore,
Dying in shame as the wicked ones swore:
Jesus, wonderful Lord!

Weary, yet He is the world's only rest,
Hungry and thirsty with plenty has blest,
Tempted He promises grace for each test:
Jesus, wonderful Lord!

Friend of the friendless, betrayed and denied,
Help of the weak, in Gethsemane cried,
Light of the world, in gross darkness He died:
Jesus, wonderful Lord!

Wonderful, wonderful Jesus!
He is my friend, true to the end;
He gave Himself to redeem me--
Jesus, wonderful Lord!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Peace and Contentment

Peace and Contentment

I feel your abundant love
Flowing to me like the wings of a dove
I hear the sweet sounds of the river,
And feel it's waters bathing my parched
And thirsty soul. Rejuvenating my body
mind and spirit!
What peace and contentment I find
Every moment I am with you!
Such beauty and comfort surrounds
You...oh what love you bestow
upon me and the awe of your divine
Presence! You are all I need for
Everything is in You Oh Lord!
You are Peace and Contentment!
         Jan Bagwell
         God Bless

Father God , please watch out for my Friends Rosie And Gerald Malone . for they or in bad health , And for David my son . Mary Carpenter needed prayer she is having health problems and Frankie Wilson.
Aman and Aman

Wednesday, November 7, 2012



Oh that men would praise the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!  Psalm 107:8

I will praise Thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and will glorify Thy name for evermore.  
Psalm 86:12

By Him, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name.  
Hebrews 13:15
Praises to the Saviour give,
He who died that we might live,
For His love, so great, so free,
Praise His Name eternally.

When our hearts were steeped in sin,
Vile and wretched were within,
Jesus left the throne above,
Came to show the Father's love.

Oh how wondrous was His grace!
He who took the sinner's place,
Jesus offered "Lo, I come,"
All to bear the sinner home.

Jesus died on Calv'ry's tree,
There to set the sinner free,
All who on His Name believe,
Everlasting life receive.

What a debt to Him we owe!
Gladly may our praises flow,
Let our cheerful voices raise,
Loud thanksgivings, songs of praise.

Praise the Father and the Son,
That redemption's work is done,
Magnify that precious Name,
Christ, the Lamb of God, who came.

Worthy is the Lamb once slain,
Praise and magnify His Name,
Laud and honour may we bring,
To our Saviour, Priest and King.

Glory unto Jesus be,
He who died to set us free,
Let us worship and adore,
Praise His Name forevermore.
     Jan Bagwell
     God Bless !!
Father God , please watch out for my Friends Rosie And Gerald Malone . for they or in bad health , And for David my son . Mary Carpenter needed prayer she is having health problems .
Aman and Aman
Flower divider

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Light

         The Light

The Light shone brightly in the splendor of Heaven.
Then looking down upon His creation Abba Father
Being moved by His compassionate heart of Love,
Said, " Who will go and become sin to redeem man
Back to Me." Right away the Light said " I'll go Father."
The Light shone very brightly in a dark world without hope.
The Light now is the candle within each of us dispelling
All darkness.
The light brings hope, healing, and deliverance to all
Who will walk in the Light!
The Light is Jesus Christ, The King Of Glory!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

 Father God , please watch out for my Friends Rosie And Gerald Malone . for they or in bad health , And for David my son . Mary Carpenter needed prayer she is having health problems .
Aman and Aman

Monday, November 5, 2012

Heart Like Yours

Heart Like Yours

In the name of Jesus
Lord of Heaven and Earth
Most High God,
I need you.

Help me to understand Father.
Give me compassion to speak with loving words.
Teach me Father God ,
I need a heart like yours.

I see your children Father.
I hear them, calling for the truth.
I feel their pushing and pulling to know the real you.
Please lead me to see, hear and feel like you.

You are God
My air
My life
My Creator

Continue to light my path
Live inside of me
Speak through me
Use me Lord

Teach me
To live in your will for me
To walk like you
To love like you

I need you
I need a heart like yours
Please lead me to hear, see and feel like you
My creator
Use me Lord,
To reach the hearts of your People.

Love always,
Your Child ,
Jan Bagwell

Father God , please watch out for my Friends Rosie And Gerald Malone . for they or in bad health , And for David my son . Mary Carpenter needed prayer she is having health problems .
Aman and Aman