Saturday, June 8, 2019

Where Time Stands Still

Where Time Stands Still

Lord, I pray for time
Time to honestly reflect
Then I pray for wisdom
Hoping to never neglect.

Lord, I pray for time
Not a moment shall I steal
Lord, I pray for all of this
In Your mercy let me heal.

Lord, I pray for time
It can't be over yet
Allow me to make amends
For these things I regret.

Lord, I pray for time
Time to humbly give
If it would be in Your will
I pray for time to live.

Lord, I pray for time
And answers if You will
Lord I need the quiet place
In You, where time stands still.
Psalm 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Just Believe (A Resurrection Poem)

Just Believe (A Resurrection Poem)

Christ is risen shout and sing,
Praises to our risen king.
The tomb is empty yes indeed,
From fear of death we have been freed.

Christ is risen, this is true.
An old story that’s always new.
Fresh and vital giving hope 
To many who in anguish grope. 

Christ is risen, just believe, 
And Resurrection life receive;
Live no longer in the dark;
On the path of light embark.

Christ is risen, our receipt,
Salvation has been made complete.
The debt of sin is paid for all 
Who now upon his name will call. 

Christ is risen, we shall rise,
And meet him one day in the skies.
Life immortal, and sublime,
Will greet us at the end of time.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

A Peaceful Storm

A Peaceful Storm

There is a peaceful storm
His peaceful love blows warm
Retorts heavenward home.

There is a peaceful storm 
Hastens saints to His arms
He redeems us saints home.

There is a peaceful storm 
That Jesus Christ's death formed 
His love carries us home.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Wait + Trust = Calm

Wait + Trust = Calm

Waiting . . .
waiting on my Lord,
praying for His will
praying even harder
to learn to be still.

Trusting . . .
trusting in my Lord,
praying for an answer
praying even harder
tranquility I will conquer.

Believing . . .
believing in my Lord
praying for His peace
praying even harder
this calm will never cease.

Waiting . . .
waiting on my Lord
I think I finally got it
praying not to loose it
praying even harder
never to forget it!
Psalm 27:14
King James Version

"Wait on the Lord be of good courage,
and he shall strengthen thine heart:
wait, I say, on the Lord."

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Deep Inside

Deep Inside

A gentle wind blows
In through the window 
Your shoulders shrugged low 
From weighted sorrow 

Your heart devoid of joy 
Your mind totally blank 
But deep inside deploys 
A peaceful inner strength 

Knowing that the Lord 
Is in full control 
Joy fully restored 
To heart, mind and soul