Friday, August 29, 2014

Keep the Passion

Keep the Passion

As day light in the morning
Breaks into another day
I want to lift my voice
As You direct my way.

I don't want to lose this passion
I want to see through your eyes
I don't want to lose this moment
I want to raise Your name on high!

All too often I forget
My spirit has a song
The busy of my day
Takes me where I don't belong.

I don't want to lose this passion
I want to see through your eyes
I don't want to lose this moment
I want to raise Your name on high!

Lord, please help me not to stray
From your perfect will
When the storms may rage
Whisper peace be still.

I don't want to lose this passion
I want to see through your eyes
I don't want to lose this moment
I want to raise Your name on high!

As day turns into nighttime
I want to draw you near
Lord, please help me keep
Your Holy presence here.

My life sustaining water
Refreshing eternal spring
Help me keep this passion
My everlasting King.
Accept this offering!
I will forever sing!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, August 28, 2014

An Opportunity

An Opportunity

To all who are trusting Jesus, there's
a message I'd like to relay,
About the opportunities that God gives
to you each and every day.
They come so that you'll have a chance
to serve Him with your best,
And will continue to come up until God
has given you eternal rest.

Some may seem unimportant and just not
worth the effort you'd give,
Remember, God takes the smallest seed
and gives it the strength to live.
The same with those opportunities no
matter how trivial they appear,
Perhaps it'll be a simple spoken word
that someone needed to hear.

If you happen to be in a crowd, God's
opportunities are always nearby,
All that's required is a sincere smile
and friendly voice in saying hi.
This just might change an attitude and
help make someone's day,
Giving them a better frame of mind in
how to treat others along the way.

You don't have to leave home, there's
opportunities from where you live,
God can use prayer warriors for many
things if you take time to give.
With every opportunity you have, know
that God has placed it there,
No matter what it requires, a sincere
smile or a heartfelt prayer.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ticket To Heaven

Ticket To Heaven

I'm a citizen of heaven,
got my passport in my hand
and one day I'm going to go
to the promised land.

My name is in the book of life,
I know God's written it down
and I can hardly wait . . .
till my feet hit the ground.

Jesus is making my room ready,
and there will be an open door
inside of it there's gonna be
all my treasures He has stored.

My ticket is in my pocket,
it says I am heaven bound
but until I finally take off
I gotta keep my mind sound.

I need to keep my faith strong,
keep my eyes looking forward
so that there won't be anything
that will catch me off my guard.

You see, I got me a reservation,
in a mansion, I am going to stay
and nothing gonna keep me . . .
from that Promised Day!
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !
KV  John : 2-4
 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so,
 I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again,
and receive you unto myself; that where I am , there ye may be also.
  And whither I go ye know , and the way ye know .

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Holy Hills Of Heaven Calling Me

The holy hills of Heaven call me
To mansions bright across the sea
Where loved ones wait and crowns are given
When the hills of home start calling me

This house of clay is but a prison
Bars of bone hold my soul
But the doors of clay are gonna burst wide open
When the angel sets my spirit free
I'll take my flight like a mighty eagle
When the hills of home start calling me

I see loved ones over yonder
Tears are gone and hearts are free
And from the throne of my Savior beckons
And the hills of home are calling me

This house of clay is but a prison
Bars of bone hold my soul
But the doors of clay are gonna burst wide open
When the angel sets my spirit free
I'll take my flight like a mighty eagle
When the hills of home start calling me
Calling me
Song written by Dottie Rambo
Jan  Bagwell
God  Bless !
·  Heaven is calling all the believers to come home. The body of flesh is a bag called a prison that holds our bones. One day the earth will burst wide open and the saints will be called to a home where we will be free like eagles to live with our savior in a mansion forever and ever. What a day that will be.
Magnificent testimony of the love of god. Dottie rambo was given such a gift and she shared it with many. Now, she is singing praises to the lord in heaven.

Dottie Rambo (, 1934 — , 2008) was an American Southern Gospel singer, songwriter, and musician. Rambo was both a Grammy and Dove award winning artist. She penned more than twenty-five hundred songs, including her most notable He Looked Beyond My Fault and Saw My Need and I Go To the Rock.
Dottie Rambo   was a woman in touch God  
Praise God !!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Storing God's Word

Storing God's Word

A Christian heart and mind that
is bible fed,
Can lead souls that are in need
of being lead.
With bible in hand or stored in
the brain,
Spiritual seeds grow as with a
summer rain.

As God's message enters Satan's
Then perhaps it will be another
success story.
When an old life becomes a new
life within,
As Jesus lifts a lost soul from
a sea of sin.

Angels rejoice as a name is put
on heaven's roll,
Hoping to add more will be the
workers goal.
With more added here then fewer
will be in hell,
Rescued from a sinful grasp of
Satan's spell.

In learning God's Word, there's
little doubt,
The more we put in, the more we
will get out.
The more we get out, greater is
our opportunity,
To take souls with us whenever
we enter eternity.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !