Friday, February 19, 2016

What Really Matters

What Really Matters

It matters not if I ever eat
Gourmet foods and fine steak.
It matters not if I ever wear
The finest clothes they make.

It matters not if I ever drive
The best cars that they sell.
What really matters most to me is
With the Lord, is my soul well?

We can just sin away our lives
And waste them down here below,
Or we can accept Jesus as Savior.
In His grace, then we can grow.

There is great peace in knowing
That when this life here is o'er,
I will step into God's presence
On that peaceful, golden shore.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Heaven's Glory

Heaven's Glory

When I wake up in Heaven
What a grand day that will be,
Oh to be with Jesus
So happy and so free.
My ole bodies free from pain
Forever young renewed,
This Kingdom's beyond glorious
I can't wait to share with you.
The flowers and the landscape
Such beauty none compared,
Bright colors and such fragrance
Just permeate the air.
It's like Jesus takes
Your heart's desire,
Multiplied galore
And designs this majestic dwelling
That fills you more than full.
Oh to be around the throne
Resounding praise to Christ our King,
My heart explodes w/loving joy
Glorious for all eternity.
I wish you'd hear the music
It seeps into the deepest part
Of my heart, my soul, my mind,
And fills me with the deepest joy
A heart will ever find.
The crystal sea is marvelous,
We swim... so pure, so free.
Oh to share such marvels,
My loved ones, please do see.
Open up your hearts to Christ
So forever together, we'll be.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Happy Is This Soul This Morning
(Psalm 143:8)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

My Days Are Numbered

My Days Are Numbered

My days they are numbered,
I don’t know how many remain
but one thing I know for sure . . .
to reach the goal, I must strain.

There are just so many hours,
God gives me each new day
and every minute counts . . .
as I travel the narrow way.

I can’t rest for a second,
I must keep on, pressing on
for I will never know when . . .
my time here will be gone.

There’s tons for me to do,
and my talents I must use
for what God has given me . . .
I mustn’t mistreat or abuse.

The minutes they tick quickly,
the seconds, oh how they do fly
and I must use them wisely . . .
before I say my final goodbye!

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!
Jeremiah 10:6

"Forasmuch as there is none
like unto thee, O Lord;
thou art great, and thy name
is great in might."

Psalm 90:12

“So teach us to number our days,
that we may apply our hearts
unto wisdom.”

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Brighter Day

 Brighter Day

I hear the cry,
within your heart
sobs telling me from God
you feel far apart.

I see the river of tears,
the mountain of your pain
and you keep wondering
how long they will sustain.

I listen to your words,
they are filled with fear
and the anguish you feel
keeps doubt achingly near.

I know you are hurting,
you think you've lost the way
but I can assure you
there will come a brighter day.

For God never disappoints,
I know He will come through
for Jesus has promised
to never leave you
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Psalm 130:5
King James Version

"I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait,
and in his word do I hope."

Monday, February 15, 2016

Glorious Gift

 Glorious Gift

I looked to the sky just after the storm
So I'll tell you just what I think
I can see the oranges, reds and grays
Mixed in with the colors of pink.

I've always been amazed at the hand of God
As He created the storms in the sky
With the electrified air that smells so good
As the clouds move slowly by.

The evening storms hold the most beautiful scenes
As the sun begins to set
It mixes the colors of red and blue
And then it changes to violet.

I can see the silhouette of the distant trees
Against the sky that was heavenly made
And I'll always remember just how I felt
As the sunlight started to fade.

I can feel the peace and serenity
As the clouds began to lift
That's when I realized what I just received
I received a glorious gift.

So it doesn't really matter what I think
When I look and wonder why
'Cause this gift I received came from God Himself
As He put it in the sky.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless