Thursday, April 19, 2018

Walk day by Day

Walk day by Day

Walk day by day
that’s all it takes
and those mistakes
that seem so hard to bear -
confess in prayer.

Tomorrow may
not be unmarred
but not so scarred 
you’ll find as yesterday -
take time to pray.

A night away
God’s mercies new
will dawn for you
and waking you will find -
the Lord is kind.
His compassions never fail, they are 
new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:23

Wednesday, April 18, 2018



The keys to growth in christian life 
Are prayer and study, pain and strife 
Fellowship with other saints 
Will help you when your heart is faint

Prayer will bring you sweet relief 
And heal the heart ache caused by grief 
The Word renews your heart afresh
And helps you as you fight the flesh 

Pain and strife though never fun 
Will draw you closer to the Son 
Good fellowship with saints will mend 
Your erring ways lest you offend. 

Thank God for every special grace 
By faith His promises embrace 
Make the best of each new day 
And through the testings watch and pray

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Father You are Glorious

Father You are Glorious

Father you are glorious 
Your presence is all light 
Your kingdom is desirable 
Your laws are true and right 

Your saving love is wonderful 
Your mercy is supreme 
Your grace a fountain of true life 
An ever flowing stream 

Your name is so exalted 
Your wisdom is untraced 
Your justice is unsullied 
And Your truth is uneffaced

Your power is unparalleled 
Your knowledge is replete
Your providence victorious 
Your revelation sweet

No other can be like you 
Transcending time and space 
And None can separate us from 
Your infinite embrace