Friday, December 7, 2007

At Christmas the drummer will drum for Christ

At Christmas The Drummer Will Drum For Christ

On Christmas morn all the bells will ring for Christ
On Christmas morn all the people will sing
Oh come all you faithful
All the words will be about the birth of Christ
The Manger will be laid
And the child will be praised
When Christmas does come, all the Angels will sing
And the bells will ring, ding, aling, ling
Joy for the world when Christ was born
Yes the bells ring in time for Christmas day
Heads will bow in the maddening crowd
Praise your Lord on Christmas day
The bells will ring ding.aling, ling
Heralding Christmas day
The drummer will drum to a beat of a drum
For Christ on Christmas day

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Jesus the Nazarene

The child of Joseph and Mary,
born a Nazarene,
Held in his mother's arms,
Held by His Father's dreams,
He would calm the storms,
He would reign king of kings,
In a manger born.
In a stable scene.
The child of Joseph and Mary,
born a Nazarene.
Like the star that was shining that night,
He would rise to be the world's light,
Most precious in His father's sight,
a lamb for the world
in a stable scene,
Was the child of Mary and Joseph,
born a Nazarene.
He would someday bare a cross,
for a world that is lost
and He would someday rise
Open your eyes to the gift of love,
born in a stable scene.
He ld in His mother's arms,
safe from life's storms,
held by His father's dreams,
Jesus the Nazarene

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

God will be there

God Will Be There

When tears fill your eyes,
And great sadness fills your heart,
When it is hard to say farewell,
To your friend as they go away.
The seasons come and go.
As time rushed on,
The years slipped away.
Your fellowship with God is there.
Farewell will not last forever.
Take joy my friend,
The clouds will clear away.
Rainbows will be bright again.
Songs will fill your heart with joy.
For your friends will keep you
In their prayers and thoughts.
When miles and ocean come in between.
For God will always be there.
Keep your hope and faith in him.
When good and bad times come your way.
So keep on trying best you can.
And God will see you through.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas Spirit

Christmas Spirit

Put up a splash of Christmas spirit
Put in a dash of love
Stir up the sounds ‘till you can hear it
Sing out to those you love

Christmas, Christmas, you can fill me
Up with Christmas cheer
Christmas, Christmas, you fulfill my
Spirit every year

Toss up a mash of extra magic
Toss in a batch of love
Let up the lights with random logic
Look out for sleighs above

Santa, Santa, can I have it
Please I’ve been so good
Santa, Santa, please I beg you
Please oh if you would

Get up a clash of Christmas color
Get in a catch of love
Set up and show the shiny decor
Shout out with Christmas love

Listen, listen, you can see it
Spirit everywhere
Listen, listen, you can do it
Spread it out and share

Put up a splash of Christmas spirit
Put in a dash of love
Stir up the sounds ‘till you can hear it
Sing out to those you love

Christmas, Christmas, you can fill me
Up with Christmas cheer
Christmas, Christmas, you fulfill my
Spirit every year

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Jesus My Bestfriend

Jesus My Bestfriend

when your world shattered
and you feel hopeless
when your dreams feel like
nothing at the end
when your friends rejected you
it felt hurt and betrayed
but there is someone
waiting for you to come and pray
saying, 'Son, could you be my bestfriend'
and your world will renew
replace it better than before