Thursday, February 7, 2008

He's More Than Just a God to me

He's More Than Just a God To Me

Christ is more than just a God to me; He's my Savior and my friend,
He formed me in my mother's womb, and is my Hope as I near the end.

He governs the entire universe but walks beside me every single day,
And He's never too busy day or night to stop and listen when I pray.

As my Savior He became a bloody sacrifice and died on a cross for me,
So The Father could forgive all my sins and adopt me and set me free.

It was with His own blood that He bought me out of the market of sin,
Then He gave me The Holy Spirit as a guide and a new life to begin.

Now The Holy Spirit teaches me to live as a new creature in Christ,
And He helps me to crucify my old life to become a living sacrifice.

He gave me a hunger for Righteousness as I live to please The Lord,
For The Spirit taught me that His Holiness simply can not be ignored.

He took away my timid spirit and filled me with His spirit of power,
Now He helps me to boldly witness instead of shrinking back to cower.

He filled me with His love and compassion as I seek to win the lost,
So I can teach them Biblical Truth, while pointing them to The Cross.

He filled me with His Light to draw others so I can share The Word,
And sharing Christ is my compassion until all around me have heard.

It is only through The Cross of Jesus that one can have a new start,
Before you stand before my Savior, let Him also change your heart.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Strength to weep


Read Genesis 43:24-30

Suddenly, this great man, this strong-hearted and efficient prime minister of a mighty nation, collapsed inside. Like the rest of us, great men and women encounter those times in life when they can no longer restrain their emotions. Composure flies away, and feelings take control. That was what happened to Joseph at this long-awaited moment in time. It is at such sacred crossroads words fail us. Often we need to get alone to gain our composure. Joseph did.

"Joseph hurried out for he was deeply stirred over his brother, and he sought a place to weep; and he entered his chamber and wept there" (Genesis 43:30).

Can't you imagine the scene? All of a sudden, the handsome, confident leader of millions has rushed to his bedroom and collapsed in sobs. All those years passed in review. All the loneliness. All the loss. All the seasons and birthdays and significant occasions without his family. It was too much to contain, like a rushing river pouring into a lake, swelling above the dam. His tears ran, and he heaved with great sobs. All of a sudden, he was a little boy again, missing his daddy.

There have been times in my own life when I've had doubts, when I've stumbled over great cracks that appeared in my world. I've had those times when I climbed into my own bed and wept, crying out to God, just as you have. Such is life, especially when you decide to be real rather than protect some kind of super-confident image. It's comforting to realize we're in good company in times like that, isn't it?

Joseph was a great and powerful man, admittedly, but he was also a real human being with real human emotions, who could step out of the corridors of power and have the strength to weep his heart out.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

God's Temple


We are all menbers of God’s temple
Because we are God’s people
He moves on through our lives
He lives in us
We hold the key to God’s temple
We go to God’s temple every Sunday to preach his words
We are only holy when we finally accept him in our lives
Our lives change and we live on doing things for God
God test us in what we do every day
God is present every where and you can’t ever hide from him because he sees you each day wherever you are
He is coming back again someday when we least expect him
God we are not going to forget about the promises you made to us
And there is only one God in this universe
We live in this unique universe
God speaks to us everyday in our lives
Our lives change from one day to the next

Monday, February 4, 2008

Family of God

Family of God

Family of God

In the family of God there has to be a least two
Even if there appears to be many; perhaps there are too few.

As the head of the family your God should stand
To give support to each member without demand.

To offer guidance and direction for this life's walk
Teaching right from wrong using their voice to talk.

The value of each family member is genetically passed along
Legacy from each one, found in the earthly song.

A song to the glory of God the one creator who gives
The voice of each of us is proof, the vine does live.

The voice of the family has the right of prerogative to give fear
If the intent comes from goodness and only to those they rear.

For strong willed childen do not hesitate to control
It is your responsibility to tell them you are in charge; of their soul.

A punishment is to take away or at least deny
It could stop and act; which will make a lot of people, sad and cry.,

Childen learn intimidation as their constant excuse
But it takes a life time to find out what they will finally produce.

Sunday, February 3, 2008



The Snake That Poisons Everyone

It topples governments, wrecks marriages, ruins careers, destroys reputations, causes nightmares, spawns suspicion, and generates grief. Even its name hisses. It's called gossip. Before you repeat a story, ask yourself: Is it true? Is it fair? Is it necessary? If not, forget it.

This past week I had four people attack me with gossip , none was true . But one was a christain, so I called that person.What she said was so and so told me ......
So I guess ,what I saying is .It was not about what the world had to say about me ,But it was the person who says I am christain who would past on things that, are true or untrue about a christian brother or sister . I forgive , I sure God forgive . But can you understand the hurt we that we do to each other and to our God .