Friday, August 31, 2012

True Faith

 True Faith

Yes, faith can lift a mountain from its base!
Yes, faith can turn a river off its course;
Yes, faith can win an impossible race!
Yes, faith can calm a lion as he roars!

Sure, faith can do impossible a thing!
Sure, faith can hold a marriage till the end!
Sure, faith can well a happy ending bring!
Sure, faith can truly iron bars too bend!

True faith can make a friendship very strong!
True faith unites two lovers tie the knot!
True faith can make miles look like one furlong!
True faith can win a war although ill-fought!

None can afford to lose faith since their birth,
And faith in God is what we need on earth. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Thursday, August 30, 2012

"In re a Gentleman, One"

"In re a Gentleman, One"

We see it each day in the paper, 
And know that there's mischief in store; 
That some unprofessional caper 
Has landed a shark on the shore. 
We know there'll be plenty of trouble 
Before they get through with the fun, 
Because he's been coming the double 
On clients, has "Gentleman, One". 
Alas for the gallant attorney, 
Intent upon cutting a dash! 
He starts on life's perilous journey 
With rather more cunning than cash. 
And fortune at first is inviting -- 
He struts his brief hour in the sun -- 
But, lo! on the wall is the writing 
Of Nemesis, "Gentleman, One". 

For soon he runs short of the dollars, 
He fears he must go to the wall; 
So Peters' trust-money he collars 
To pay off his creditor, Paul; 
Then robs right and left -- for he goes it 
In earnest when once he's begun. 
Descensus Averni -- he knows it; 
It's easy for "Gentleman, One". 

The crash comes as soon as the seasons, 
He loses his coin in a mine, 
Or booming in land, or for reasons 
Connected with women and wine. 
Or maybe the cards or the horses 
A share of the damage have done -- 
No matter, the end of the course is 
The same: "Re a Gentleman, One." 

He struggles awhile to keep going, 
To stave off detection and shame; 
But creditors, clamorous growing, 
Ere long put an end to the game. 
At length the poor soldier of Satan 
His course to a finish has run -- 
And just think of Windeyer waiting 
To deal with "A Gentleman, One"! 

And some face it boldly, and brazen 
The shame and the utter disgrace; 
While others, more sensitive, hasten 
Their names and their deeds to efface. 
They snap the frail thread which the Furies 
And Fates have so cruelly spun. 
May the great Final Judge and His juries 
Have mercy on "Gentleman, One"! 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Love

My Love

Today I spoke to God and this is what I heard
If you're out there being selfish, you haven't heard my word
People out here need you
The young and old need help
Please give them my love, and give it through yourself
Bury all your hatred
Show love, and lend a hand
Surrender all your hatred, and rectify my plan
You are my flowers in a meadow from above, and every single person
came from me, to earth, with love.

Jan Bagwell

God Bless

Monday, August 27, 2012

You Take Me There

You  Take Me There

As I search for your Saving grace,
I know one day I'll see your face.
Waiting is the hardest thing for me,
I know with you I will be so free.
You take me up and lay me back down,
I know with you I am and will be found.
I seek you each day and seek your name,
I am nothing without you or your Fame.
Waking with you, you give me power,
To make it another day and another hour.
Learning your word is oh so smart,
I love you Lord with all my heart.
You gave up for me all your life,
We could not stop all the strife.
Everyday I will always say,
I long to return to you one day.
Love me Lord and keep me strong,
Without you I can never get alone.
So hear my prayers as bring me peace,
My sins Oh Lord will slowly cease.
My heart is heavy and I am weak,
You love is strong as you speak.
Keep me safe at comforts arms,
Give me grace without any harm.
Give me eternity and take me home,
That day I will never be alone.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

I am a just here to be a server to all of those that are in need. I am a prayer partner where I go to service and  happy to serve all.


Wise Jogging Advice

Wise Jogging Advice

I usually jog one of two routes around the neighborhood.
It is always the same paths, same distances, same hills, and the
same streets.

As I was jogging, God spoke into my spirit.

Although it was while I was jogging, I knew it applied to other
areas of life.

God spoke, "Don't go down any dead ends."

There are a lot of streets that are dead ends in the
neighborhood.  The fancy name is cul-de-sac but the truth is,
they are dead ends.

Until I took notice, I did not realize how many streets I jogged
that were dead ends.

When I avoided the dead ends, I found an entirely new and more
exciting route to run.  I did not have to travel over the same
paths more than once.

So many things in life are dead ends.
You must have first the wisdom to recognize dead ends,
then the sense not to go down them.

"Don't go down any dead ends."

It wasn't about jogging,

it was about life

Jan bagwell.
God Bless