Thursday, March 7, 2013

From The Heart

From The Heart

Poetry is a wonderful gift
When written from the heart;
It can bring a smile to a lonely face,
Or make you cry and tear you apart.
You are given a glimpse into someone's life
And with compassion you learn to feel,
The need to share with others,
Love and understanding, that is truly for real.
You don't ridicule others with the words you choose,
If you've never walked in their shoes;
You write with compassion and commitment,
When you care for others, you cannot lose!
The words that you write, may affect others' lives,
You must choose them wisely with care;
Write from the heart with love and compassion,
For this gift God has given, for you to share.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Healing That We Need

The Healing That We Need

Why, O Lord, does it always seem
That we often get no reply?
When we are so very desperate
For all the answers why

When we need a special touch
To heal all of our sickness,
A miracle that only you can do
Restoring strength to our weakness

We do not know the reasons 'why'
You don't answer straight away,
We only need to have faith in you
And be persistent when we pray

You may choose to heal much more
Than our needs of the physical
So much more is the spirit inside
That may be in need of a miracle

For you care so much for us
And want to see us healed,
Not only in this body of ours
But in our souls as well

For healing is for every part,
Our body, spirit and soul
And God just wants to touch each part
And make us truly whole

We needn’t feel so downcast
As we wait upon the Lord,
For the answer will come in His time
Then we shall be restored.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Life's Lesson

I feared being alone
until I learned to like

I feared failure
until I realized that I only
fail when I don't try.

I feared success
until I realized
that I had to try
in order to be happy
with myself.

I feared people's opinions
until I learned that
people would have opinions
about me anyway.

I feared rejection
until I learned to
have faith in myself.

I feared pain
until I learned that
it's necessary
for growth.

I feared the truth
until I saw the
ugliness in lies.

I feared life
until I experienced
its beauty.

I feared death
until I realized that it's
not an end, but a beginning.

I feared my destiny,
until I realized that
I had the power to change
my life.

I feared hate
until I saw that it
was nothing more than

I feared love
until it touched my heart,
making the darkness fade
into endless sunny days.

I feared ridicule
until I learned how
to laugh at myself.

I feared growing old
until I realized that
I gained wisdom every day.

I feared the future
until I realized that
life just kept getting

I feared the past
until I realized that
it could no longer hurt me.

I feared the dark
until I saw the beauty
of the starlight.

I feared the light
until I learned that the
truth would give me

I feared change,
until I saw that
even the most beautiful butterfly
had to undergo a metamorphosis
before it could fly.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Posted By Jan Bagwell to Jan Bagwell Ministries at 3/0

Monday, March 4, 2013

I Believe

Sometimes you feel trapped and weary.
Sometimes it seems like nothing has
turned out the way that you'd hoped.
But remember that you're never alone.
God is with you always.
You need only open your heart to him,
and he will ease your pain.
His light will cut through the darkness,
and fill you with the sparkle of renewed hope.
He knows when you're worried.
He knows when you're feeling blue,
but he's always there to
lend you his strength
and to help you fly.
You need only have faith,
and he'll send you a miracle.
You need only open your arms,
and he'll wrap you in his loving embrace.
Let him fill your heart with sunshine.
Let him touch your life
with the light of his love--
it will shine through in everything you do,
and a sense of unending peace
and happiness will rule your days.
In order to fly with the beauty
and grace of a butterfly,
you need only believe.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless 
Please pray for Billy and Mary Phillips and Billy father health