Friday, July 22, 2016

The Land of In-Between

The Land of In-Between

In the land of In-Between,
I sometimes have to wait
where my faith in the Lord
I ponder and contemplate.

Now, I would rather be an eagle,
whose on the mountain top
but in the land of In-Between
God often makes me stop.

I believe He brings me here,
for His purpose and His will
but when I'm in, In-Between
it's hard to wait and be still.

When God has me stopover,
in the land of In-Between
I know that it is because
on Him, He wants me to lean.

Now when I'm in the valley dark,
and everything is unclear
that is when I know that God
will draw me close and near.

But, being neither here or there,
sometimes makes me doubt
yet I know this is the place
where I need to figure my faith out.

He makes me take a breather,
for He really wants me to learn
what I need to do to change . . .
so that in hell ~ I won't burn.

In the land of In-Between,
there's a lot for me to contemplate
soon I'll have my eagles wings
until then, I must trust and wait!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Isaiah 40:31
King James Version

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall
renew their strength;they shall mount up
with wings as eagles; they shall run,
and not be weary;and they shall walk,
and not faint."

Thursday, July 21, 2016

A Future of Hope

A Future of Hope

In solitude and time of prayer
I cried to the Lord in quiet despair
My feelings hurt and emotions raw
If only I could see what the Lord saw
He whispered gently to my soul
Don't let discouragement take you from the fold
You receive my blessings day by day
And some days just don't go your way
But I have special plans for you
For a life of peace and joy too
You have a future full of hope
I am here to help you cope
Seek me daily I'm listening for you
Search for me with your heart so true
I will lead you back to a safe place
Where we can talk face to face
There's no mountain too steep
Nor any valley that's so deep
That God can't lead you from where you roam
Back to His peace and comfort and safety of home
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

How Do You Know God Loves Us?

How Do You Know God Loves Us?

Just the other day I heard a little boy ask
How do you know God loves us, as his mom's hand he clasped
His mommy said, have you seen the pretty setting sun
And the bright orange glow as a new day has begun

Look at moonbeams dancing across the pond
And the shooting stars out in the dark beyond
See the flowers that clothe the world
All of God's beauty that is unfurled

Look at your puppy who playfully yips and barks
Listen to the song of the meadow larks
Watch gentle snowflakes as through the air they fly
And see a color filled rainbow across the sky

Feel daddy's loving arms hold you tight
Hear me whisper, I love you with all my might
See your mommy’s and little sister at play
And see the closeness of our family as we kneel to pray

God gave us His creations from up above
Through His awesome glory and His amazing love
Everything on this earth He created out of love for you and me
Our families and friends, a gentle touch, kind words and all the beauty that we see!

It all says I love you so very very much
Every hug and encouragement you hear is part of God's touch
You never ever have to doubt God's love for you
For everywhere you look, His love comes shining through!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Our Hope

Our Hope

Hope paints a lovely picture,
of our future glory
it covers all the details
of God's eternal story.

Its embedded in our hearts,
sits on the horizon of our minds
it understands the will of God
His plans and His designs.

Hope is not something vague,
or a wish that you make
it's knowing that you're saved
from hell's flaming lake.

Hope is our confidence,
our faithful expression
it leaves on our souls
a lasting impression.

So just close your eyes,
and use your imagination
let your hope in Jesus bring
a glorious transformation!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Ephesians 1:18
King James Version

"The eyes of your understanding being
enlightened; hat ye may know what is the
hope of his calling,and what the riches
of the glory of his inheritance in the

Monday, July 18, 2016

Being Saved

Being Saved

Being saved is like being on a plane
Once you're on you can't get off
whether the ride is through turbulence
or is smooth and soft

Being saved is like being on a ship
sailing across the ocean blue
You're not getting off that vessel
until the voyage is through

Being saved is like being on a journey
through a strange land
knowing you'll never make it on your own
only by Jesus holding your hand

Being saved is looking for a better house
and country to live in
the place Jesus is preparing
for those who've been forgiven of their sin

Being saved is knowing there's a day
when we'll reach that heavenly shore
and see the beautiful city
that we've been longing for
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Hebrews 11:13

These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

Hebrews 11:16
But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.