Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Don't Put The Broom Away

Don't Put The Broom Away

Jesus taught many times in parables
When he was on the earth below.
Earthly stories with Godly themes
Helps teach us what we should know.

Jesus told a parable about a lady
Who lost a coin she wanted to keep.
She searched diligently for the coin.
She took a broom and began to sweep.

She swept and swept as she searched,
And that coin was eventually found.
She went and told all her neighbors,
And they were rejoicing all around.

Christians, lost souls are everywhere.
Let us diligently seek them everyday.
Let us tell them the Gospel story.
Let us not put the broom away!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

How Beautiful Heaven Must Be

How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
We read of a place that's called heaven,
It's made for the pure and the free;
These truths in God's word He has given,
How beautiful heaven must be.
How beautiful heaven must be
Sweet home of the happy and free;
Fair haven of rest for the weary,
How beautiful heaven must be.
In heaven no drooping nor pining,
No wishing for elsewhere to be;
God's light is forever, there shining,
How beautiful heaven must be.
How beautiful heaven must be
Sweet home of the happy and free;
Fair haven of rest for the weary,
How beautiful heaven must be.

Monday, June 11, 2018

The Call Divine

The Call Divine

All of life is hurried, we're in haste, 
To put it all together we do strive,
If but a moment’s restfulness to taste,
We work much like a bee does on his hive.

We stroll each day down twisting turns of fate, 
Our schedule staying two steps in the lead; 
It seems we're never early, only late,
There is a hope that one day we'll succeed.

Never satisfied with fortunes boons, 
We press against the prickly thorns of time;
This life a desert, just beyond its doons,
Eternal winds are rustling the chimes.

Wise is the soul that hears the call divine, 
“Seek not thy will or way but only Mine.”

Sunday, June 10, 2018

My Lord Keeps Record

What a wonderful beautiful picture I held
Of a place without sorrow or fear
And I'm going to live in that city one day
For my days are all numbered down here

My Lord keeps a record 
Of the moments I'm living down here
Yes, He knows all about me
All my troubles my sorrows my shame

I living each moment through the mercies
Of God's love and grace
Someday He will call me
To the wonderful beautiful promised place

Now I walk to be doing the will of my lord
As I travel this wearisome land
So I will not be ashamed of my record 
When I stand at my savior

My Lord keeps a record 
Of the moments I'm living down here
Yes, He knows all about me
All my troubles my sorrows my shame