Saturday, September 10, 2016

Life Is But A Stopping Place

Life Is But A Stopping Place

Life is but a stopping place,
A pause in what's to be,
A resting place along the road,
to sweet eternity.
We all have different journeys. 
Different paths along the way,
We all were meant to learn some things,
but never meant to stay...
Our destination is a place,
Far greater than we know.
For some the journey's quicker,
For some the journey's slow.
And when the journey finally ends,
We'll claim a great reward,
And find an everlasting peace,
Together with the lord
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless

Friday, September 9, 2016

Substaining Faith

Substaining Faith

My faith has sustained me,
through life's' ups and downs
it has been with me . . .
through laughter and frowns.

My faith has carried me,
through tragedy and grief
it has provided me . . .
with strength and relief.

My faith has helped me,
though periods of drought
it has saved me . . .
from my fear and doubt.

My faith has kept me,
through stormy conditions
it has supported me . . .
with prayer and petitions.

My faith has taken me,
through days of not knowing
it has stabilized me . . .
as harsh winds came blowing.

My faith has sustained me,
through life's highs and lows
it has taught me to trust . . .
in the One who knows!
With Love , Praise God !!
Jan Bagwell
Psalm 139:1-2

"Oh lord, thou hast searched me,
and known me.

Thou knowest
My downsitting
and mine uprising,
thou understand eat my
thought afar off."

King James Version
Public Domain

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Before Sunrise

Before Sunrise

I will seek Thee in the morning
Before the sun I will arise
For in darkness You adorning
To a tired heart the sunrise

And before the day with its troubles
Can ambush and prevail
Turning plans into rubble
A new day into travail

Yes, I will arise and seek You
Your face I will find
Your countenance in lieu
Of a dark world and its grind

For man is not just beast
And his soul truly exists
And we surely not least
But of much more consist

And it is this I find
Each morning with You
A humble heart recline
And to its Maker renew

And so you lift my eyes
Off this earth back to You
And my nostrils You surprise
With a sweet heavenly dew

So I seek thee each morning
Yes, before the sun I arise
For in darkness is Your adorning
An awakening before sunrise
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Miracle Each Morning

Miracle Each Morning

The beauty of the morning
With nature not quite awake
And the trees quietly yawing
While a gentle breeze shakes
And the leaves bravely winking
In the cool morning mist
Awakes a bird to singing
A song of praise on its lips
And in the hush of first rays
A morning sun gives light
Laying to bed the cooling haze
And a greeting from the night
But the greeting not a blaze
But in the calm of first light
The Creator introduces day
In the still quiet voice of His might

But mankind slowly arises
Not aware of the sight
But thinking of all he prizes
The new day becomes a fight
And not sure what he is missing
And why his life is not right
He stumbles as though listing
In an ocean fraught with fright
Because each morning he misses
The miracles which just might
Awaken all of his senses
To his infinite Maker's insight
1 Kings 19:1-18



A dream has died a sudden death;
A purpose wasted without breath.
No path upon my heart can tread
For now my hopes and dreams are dead.

But wait, is that a beat I hear?
Afraid to hope, deceit I fear.
But wait, a pounding heart I feel;
My dream's alive, if only real.

A spark of hope along the way
To get me through another day.
My Lord, My God, more blessings spill;
My broken, empty heart to fill.

I bow my knees and say a prayer
And thank the Lord for grace and care.
He fills me up to overflow
So All his goodness you may know.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless
Galatians 6:9

And let us not be weary in well doing:
for in due season we shall reap, if we
faint not.

Monday, September 5, 2016

A Humble Root

A Humble Root

A green and fragile leaf, was she
and unimportant she would be.
She was depressed.
For she was small, not very big
attached so lightly to a twig -
so she was blessed.

A small and simple twig was he
which held the leaf that waved so free.
He too depressed.
He feared, with wind he'd be detached,
yet to a branch, he was attached -
so he was blessed.

A small, but stable branch was there
which seemed to bend but didn't care.
It too depressed.
Afraid of wind, its life was grim
and so unlike the larger limb -
yet it was blessed.

A large and stable limb it was,
but it, unhappy too because,
it was depressed.
It exercised. It was a 'hunk'
but wasn't an enormous trunk -
yet it was blessed.

A giant of a trunk was it?
It had opinions so unfit.
It too depressed.
It stood unmoved with haughty face
there over root on its own space -
so it was blessed.

Now root was happy. It could sing.
It fed and nourished everything -
up through the leaves.
And it was not presumptuous
when it supplied its sustenance
to all the 'least of these'.

That root was humble under sod
and faithful to creation's God -
and it would thrive.
But then wind timbered trunk and tree!
Oh, what had happened? Could it be
the root's alive...? grow another tree, no doubt.
From humble root, a humble sprout.
Do you now see?
Take care then where your faith is at
so you do not end up like that
ol' timbered tree.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !