Saturday, November 24, 2018

A Far Better Place

A Far Better Place

We're on our way to a far better place
Where we'll see Jesus Christ face to Face,
Bridegroom and bride, united at last
Will walk hand in hand on streets clear as glass.

Surrounded by walls of transparent gold
We'll behold wonders as yet untold
While thousands 'pon thousands of angels will sing
Praises of joy to the queen and the King.

Heavenward, homeward bound are we
To a place where we will be free
From suffering, toil, heartache and sin;
Meeting again our old friends and kin.

Love and peace and joy will flow,
Over all this God's glory will glow;
Sweet communion between bride and Groom -
Oh, dear Jesus, may that Day come soon!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Prayer Of Thanksgiving

Prayer Of Thanksgiving

This table, set with centerpiece,
fine china, silverware -
has food prepared deliciously
with tender loving care.
With hungry eye, I relish this -
this meal, my daily bread -
then fold my hands and bow my head
before my prayer is said.

I do recite it quick and slurred,
though with the best intent -
and now that grace is said and heard,
it is a blessed event.
The phrases I was taught to say
were pressed down deep in me -
but words are empty without thoughts
of pure sincerity.

Yes, just before I eat, I pray,
but there's a place so crude
which moves me closer to the truth -
that others have no food.
It haunts me as I look around, the
visions of the starved -
who wide-eyed blankly stare at me
behind my turkey, carved.

I see their bloated tummies and
the flies around their eyes.
I hear soft moans from babies lips,
and echoes of their cries.
I taste the mush that they call food.
It lingers on my breath.
I feel the tears start down my cheeks.
I smell the stench of death.

I hesitate with my first bite,
then ask myself, "Do I
really care they're teary eyed
and hungry 'til they die?"
I pray that all the "least of these"
are eating well in Heav'n.
Please help me Lord, to understand
the blessings I was giv'n.

So now when I recite my prayer,
as I sit down to feast,
I ask myself if I'm sincere
and thankful in the least.
For that's when I can hear my voice
ascending to His ear.
He knows if I speak empty words
or if I am sincere.

Sunday, November 18, 2018



DEATH is the winter of sin and shame,
of pride and blame,
of guilty name,

of danger's ice,
of bad advice,
of heavy price.

LIFE is the springtime of seeds that toss,
of logs across,
of Christ on cross,

of blooming earth,
of our rebirth,
of valued worth.

WORK is the summer of fresh, clean rain,
of sweat and pain,
of growth and grain,

of appetites,
of peaceful nights,
of what excites.

LOVE is the autumn of harvesting,
of lauded sing,
of Thanksgiving,

of Heaven's grace,
of special place
and Jesus' face.

My first day Heaven

As I stood there waiting by the gates of Heaven,
I was greeted by family members and old friends
We stood there for hours trying to get reacquainted,
As they all came to welcome me in
I was completely overwhelmed by how beautiful Heaven is,
Everything here is done to perfection
And everyone here truly cares about each other,
There’s a whole lot of love and affection
See there is no hate, no pain, no suffering,
No illness, and there is no dying
No crime, no cheating, no bending the truth,
Cause in Heaven there is no lying
And I just want to say to my family back on earth,
Heaven truly is a much better place
There is no sin and there are no worries,
And you can talk to the LORD face to face
See up here, the LORD GOD is our beacon of light,
The sole source of all light up in Heaven
And I learned all of this when I walked through the gates,
On my very first day up in Heaven