Friday, April 1, 2011

Keep on Keeping on

Keep on Keeping on
If the day looks rather gloomy ,
And your chances rather slim ,
If the situation’s puzzling
And the prospect’s very grim ,
If perplexities keep pressing
Till hope is nearly gone ,
Just bristle up and grit your teeth
And keep on keeping on .

Forgetting never wins a fight
And fuming never pays ;
There is no use in brooding
In these pessimistic ways ;
Just smile bravely and cheerfully
Though hope is nearly gone ,
And bristle up and grit your teeth
And keep on keeping on

There is no use in growling .
And grumbling all the time,
When music’s ringing everywhere
And everything’s a rhyme ;
Just keep on smiling cheerfully
If hope is nearly gone
And keep on keeping on !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Keep on Keeping on
If the day looks rather gloomy ,
And your chances rather slim ,
If the situation’s puzzling
And the prospect’s very grim ,
If perplexities keep pressing
Till hope is nearly gone ,
Just bristle up and grit your teeth
And keep on keeping on .

Forgetting never wins a fight
And fuming never pays ;
There is no use in brooding
In these pessimistic ways ;
Just smile bravely and cheerfully
Though hope is nearly gone ,
And bristle up and grit your teeth
And keep on keeping on

There is no use in growling .
And grumbling all the time,
When music’s ringing everywhere
And everything’s a rhyme ;
Just keep on smiling cheerfully
If hope is nearly gone
And keep on keeping on !

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lord , Show Me How

Lord , Show Me How !
If I can right a human wrong ,
If I can help to make one strong ,
If I can cheer with smile or song –
Lord , show me how .

If I can sow a fruitful seed ,
If I can help somwone in need ,
If I can do a kind deed ,-
Lord , show me how .

If I can feed a hungry heart ,
If I can make a better start ,
If I can fill a nobler part-
Lord , show me how .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Be still and know he is God !

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Come Summertime

Come Summertime

My country friend , I’m thinking of you now
As Spring is brightly bursting on the bough ,
And wishing I could be with you somehow
To stroll down lilac lanes that we once knew .
In our fair city , we have daffodils ,
But ah , I miss God’s lush green , rolling hills ,
And ivy twining to the windowsills
That brought such pleasure when I was a child .
I long for country roads that slowly wend
To lilting streams that lie around the bend –
And peaceful places where a heart can mend –
Like meadows all aglow with buttercups .
For now , my friend , I’ll bid a fond adieu ,
Then pray that God will bless our rendezvous ;
So plant an extra sunflower or two ,
Cause I’ll be country-bound come Summertime!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I hope you enjoy my poem .

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You Tell Me I Am Getting Old

You Tell Me I Am Getting Old
You tell me I am getting old ,
I tell you that’s not so !
The “ House “ I live in is worn out .
And that ,of course , I know .

It’s been in use a long ,long while ;
It’s weathered many a gale ;
I’m really not surprised you think it’s
Getting somewhat frail .

The color changing on the roof ,
The window getting dim ,
The walls a bit transparent and
Looking rather thin .

The foundation not so steady as
Once it used to be –
My “ house “ is getting shaky ,but my
“House” isn’t ME!

My few short years can’t make me old .
I feel I’m in my youth .
Eternity lies just ahead , a life of
Joy and truth .

I’m going to live forever ,there ;
Life will go on –it’s grand !
You tell me I am getting old .
You just don’t understand .

The dweller in my little “ House “
Is young and bright and gay ;
Just starting on a life to last
Throughout eternal day .

You only see the outside , which is
All that most folks see .
You tell me I am getting old .
You’ve mixed my house with ME !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, March 28, 2011

We'll All Be Togather Again

We’ll All Be Together Again
When dear ones have left us
to journey afar
O’er mountain or prairies or sea ,
Our thoughts travel often where
the loving ones are
And lonely we often must be .
Be sweet is the thought of the
home coming time
To women and children and men ;
It rings ,like the bells , with a musical
chime ;
We’ll all be together again !

When sickness and trouble break into
our lives ,
When cares throng in manifold ways ,
When many a wearisome burden contrives
To mar the sweet peace of our days ,
When lives have been sundered by
death’s cruel hand ,
When dear ones no more have our care
All happy and safe in the beautiful
So safe , no more needing our prayer
Oh , blessed the thoughts of the meeting
once more
Beyond all the sorrow and pain :
Where nothing is wrong on the
heavenly shore
And we’ll all be together again !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Last week was a bad week for me and my family. But now by mother doing a lot better . I was very sick . But I just like to Praise God , he always there to see us though . As sick I as was , I could just feel the loving hands of my Lord and Savior . My brothers and sisters in Christ , I just don’t know what I would do without my Lord and the fellowship of you all . Thank you for your Prayers !
Brother Bill Garner die Friday night , THE SERVICES WILL BE MONDAY MORNING AT 11 AT THE CHURCH ACROSS FROM HARDEES AT CHESNEE WHICH IS ON HWY 221, . Bill was a good friend to all who knew him.