Friday, October 7, 2011


In fall I share the dream of birds
to seek a warmer place ,
To leave the cold and dark behind
for sunlight on my face .
On wings of faith I soar above
on some unchartered course
Which leads me closer to God’s love
which is itself a force .
The journey’s long and perilous
over land and time and sea ,
But then I reach the golden shore
where heaven smiles on me !
The northern winds have come and gone ,
there’s no forecast of snow ,
So I begin my journey home
to watch the roses grow .
In spring my heart is filled with hope .
despite the pain I bear ,
So I return ,as do the birds
on a wing and prayer !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please be in prayer for Frankie Wilson , David and Hali Bagwell , Scott and Elizabeth and Emily Bagwell and Nyica Greg .

Thursday, October 6, 2011

He's Always Near

He’s Always Near

How wonderful it is know
That God is always near ,
That even just a whispered thought
He will most surely hear .

No matter what you’re doing
Nor what the time of day ,
He never is too busy
To listen as you pray ,

No need to kneel at bedside ,
No need to close your eyes ,
You need not even fold your hands
He’s always at your side .

Remember just a thought . my friend ,
Of our Father up above
Will bring you such contentment
And will fill your heart with love .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Voice of God

The Voice of God
I heard the voice of God today
When I awoke at dawn ;
The birds were singing in the trees
And chirping on the lawn .

I heard His voice again this noon
When children came to play ;
I heard them laughing in the yard ;
The sound was light and gay .

I heard His voice again tonight
Upon the evening breeze ;
It rustled in the aspen leaves
And silted through the trees .

I heard His voice within my soul
When I lay down to sleep ;
His voice was peace within my heart;
And I am His to Keep.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!
Please be in prayer for Frankie Wilson , David and Hali Bagwell , Scott and Elizabeth and Emily Bagwell and Nyica Greg .

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Eyes From Above

Eyes From Above

I walked into the store as I had done countless times before.

There was nothing unusual about the night, just a routine stroll
down the aisles of commerce. .

It was a huge store. You would know the name of the chain,
but the name doesn't matter.

Bright lights, wide aisles, and full shelves made for an awesome

The modern stores don't have many helpers like the old days.
I used to work in a store. My job was to price
merchandise, stock the shelves, sweep the floor, ring the cash
register, and watch customers.

I didn't watch customers for fun. Customers would steal in the
old days. My job included helping customers find what they
wanted but keeping a watchful eye to make sure they paid for
what they found.

Those old days came to mind as I wandered or rather was towed by
anxious kids down the huge aisles.

How in the world do they keep people from stealing them blind?
There were no clerks or assistants watching us. What was to
prevent us from pocketing any number of tempting items?

I looked around, not for the purpose of stealing anything, but
of scientific curiosity.

How did they keep people from stealing?

I knew the nature of people had not improved since I was a
clerk. People stole then and they steal now.

This was an extremely successful chain. Surely they couldn't be
this trusting. Surely they couldn't be this benevolent that
they would simply allow people to have whatever they felt like
not paying for.

Surely not.

I am a scientist. I think. I analyze. I wonder. I seek
answers. I am a businessman. No people watching, plenty of
merchandise, a certain percentage of people that would take
advantage of inattention, successful chain stores, it didn't
fit. How could they trust so?

They didn't. That much I knew. I know the commercial mind.
They couldn't and didn't trust people that much.

So why was no one watching?

I knew that couldn't be either.

Maybe they were watching.

If so, then how were they watching?

I knew if they were watching it would have to be though video
cameras. I knew where they would need to be positioned.

I looked up.


As many times as I had been in that store and similar stores of
the chain, I had never thought to look up. I walked beneath
totally unaware and unconcerned about the eyes above.

As I looked up, I saw rows and rows of surveillance cameras.

Somewhere between 100 and 200 cameras looked down as I surveyed
the roof of the huge store.

If you didn't know already, you wouldn't know they were cameras
but I knew. Surveillance cameras are usually mounted behind
blue colored domes. You can't see in, but the camera can see
out. It can point in any direction, and you don't know if and
where it is looking.

It can swivel, tilt, pan, and zoom. They can follow your every
move. They can zoom out to view the whole aisle or zoom in on a
pimple. Hundreds of them, and I never knew or guessed because I
never thought about it.

Eyes from above that watched every move of those below.

So many walk without realizing every move is observed and

Eyes from above.

I walked differently once I saw the cameras. I had no intention
of ever doing anything wrong, with or without cameras; I just
walked differently knowing that someone could be watching every
single move that I made.

It shouldn't have made a difference.

But it did.

We often go through life as if no one sees.

As if no eyes from above are watching.

Suppose we realized that?

Every frown, every harsh word, every wrong deed, every good or
bad twitch of our minds and muscles...


Eyes from above.

Encased in a blue canopy.

It makes you walk differently once you realize that.

It really does.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Monday, October 3, 2011

My Lif'e's Balance

My Life's Balance'' ry

I have found that in this very place and time
Much more than a chemical balance to it all.
It’s not that which is flowing through each vein and artery
To those aging places that bring comfort and makes one well.
But a more Spiritual source, of life streams
Now flows within my mind and space.
Placing that of an after glow, from my higher source
Bringing me joy, peace, deeper love
And a Spiritual inner grace.
Growing older has real benefits
That in ones youth might never bring.
It teaches a person what is important
That importance, in the smallest
The smallest of everything.
In a child’s smile from an innocence of love
Scented sweetness in a summers breeze.
That resting time otherwise overlooked
While just cuddling with a loved one on a swing.
Embrace the years as they come to you
As if in each one, there lies within a hidden gift.
And you will see that in your puzzle of life
That one piece placed thought not to fit.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!