Thursday, August 22, 2019

No Other Name

No Other Name

Jesus is the Way, the Life.
To Heaven, the way he paved.
No, there is no other name
Whereby we must be saved.

Angels bow before His name.
He is worthy to be praised.
He had victory over death.
At His grace, I am amazed!

At the mighty name of Jesus
Every knee shall someday bow.
Friend, it would be very wise
To accept Him and bow now.

His name is highly exalted
Above all other names ever.
Friend, repent; get saved today.
He will not leave you, no never.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Glorious God

Glorious God

Glorious God of the ages; 
With wisdom that dwarfs all the sages; 
By grace having saved from sin’s wages;
Be with us through all of life’s stages. 

Glorious God, we are humbled; 
You’ve helped us each time that we’ve stumbled;
Had mercy each time that we’ve fumbled;
Without your grace we would have crumbled. 

Glorious God, our petition, 
Ascends, and describes our condition; 
Unworthy, we seek your provision.
Let us not vainly fall to derision. 

Glorious God, so transcendent; 
With angels your loyal attendants; 
In heaven, above all, resplendent;
Gladly we are your dependents.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Beyond The Manger

Beyond The Manger

As you step into the stable and look
down in the manger what do you see,
A baby Who is called Jesus or a life
line that was born for all humanity.
Then indeed it is the baby Jesus who
came to earth on Christmas day,
Yet if this is all you see, you miss
the reason for His earthly stay.

Many people see the babe and miss the
cross, leaving Jesus in the stable,
Ignoring the fact that He died to be
our Savior, treating it as a fable.
Thinking they'll make heaven on their
own for their lives are mostly clean,
Unlike some church goers in their past
of which they have heard and seen.

To this group of people Christmas is
simply a holiday, that's about all,
The busiest time of the year, spending
countless hours down at the mall.
Later, full of spirits, not holy, they
may exchange gifts with some friends,
Then til this time next year, anything
they have do do with Christmas, ends.

The baby they see, died for their sins,
to save them from the jaws of hell,
Until this truth is accepted, the non-
believers remain in Satan's spell.
So look beyond the cradle to the cross
and trust Jesus for a new start,
Then next year as you look at the baby,
there's a special love in your heart.

Monday, August 19, 2019

What I Long For

What I Long For

I long to go
Where there's no night;
To dwell with God,
The Giver of Light.

I long to meet
Him face to face,
To thank Him again
For His love and grace.

I long to live 
For eternity
With my Savior,
Who died for me.

I long to sing
My song of praise
To God on High;
My voice I'll raise.

I long to walk 
On streets of gold,
As transparent glass;
A sight to behold!

I long to see
Loved ones again;
Where they're at peace
Up in Heaven.

I long to leave
This earth below;
I'll serve God 'til
It's time to go.

I long to remain
Faithful and true
To the very end.
How about you?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Save The Children Lord

Save The Children Lord

Save the children Lord,
give them a roof over head
a warm place to sleep
rain on them water and bread.

Supply them with clothes,
and a pair of good shoes
Lord, send them someone
who'll share the Good News.

Provide them with hope,
for a future worth living
put upon all of our hearts
to be generous and giving.

Watch over these babes,
who hunger and thirst
help us to put their needs
upmost and first.

Save the children Lord,
give them a roof over head
Lord, let us who are full
be to them ~ Spirit lead . . .
Matthew 25:35
King James Version 

"For I was an hungred, and ye gave me 
meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me 
drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me 