Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Christ Alone

Christ Alone

I've been through different spheres of life,
And each taught me a lesson of their own,
That no matter how tough they seem to be,
I'll always give thanks to Christ alone.

I've been misled to think that this life was all about me,
Forgetting the fact that I'm just living it on a loan,
And when my time is due to be sent on an eternal leave,
I'll just have to return it to Christ alone.

When all hope is seemingly lost,
And all my efforts yield results as light as an empty cone,
I'll always try my best at any cost,
To put all my trust in Christ alone.

I've come to understand now,
That Christ for my sins and transgressions did atone,
That when I'm left with the choice of who receives my bow,
It definitely must be to Christ alone.

To die in Christ for me is gain,
Although living for him is not easy on my own,
But even when I'll be given this life to live again,
I'll live it all for Christ alone.

The Love of Jesus

The Love of Jesus

Jesus loves you and me
Even if we cannot see
What is in store for you and me

We are always at His call
For He loves us one and all

Jesus is always near
We have nothing to fear
Put all your cares in His hands
He will love us-obey His commands

Jesus loves us
Even if we stray
He will always love us
Whatever comes our way

Monday, August 21, 2017

Hearses Don't Pull Trailers

Hearses Don't Pull Trailers

Hearses don't pull trailers,
loaded with earthly treasures
they don't tow your worth
and your worldly measures.

They don't carry the living,
and their prized possessions
they only bring along a coffin
and lead the graveside procession.

You can't take it with you,
all you've acquire will turn to rust
and what you adore and cherish
will be left behind in the dust.

You can't haul away your stuff,
there's no place in heaven for it
and one day all you own and love
you will have to let go and forfeit.

There is no trailer hitch,
attached to that black hearse
but you can lay up your treasures
if you read and apply God's verse.

So don't cling on to the things,
that have no heavenly reward
let go of them long before you die
and God will give you His award!
Matthew 6:19-

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures
on earth, where moth and rust destroy 
and where thieves break in and steal; 
but lay up for yourselves treasures in 
heaven, where neither moth nor rust 
destroys and where thieves do not break 
in and steal. For where your treasure 
is, there your heart will be also."

Imperfect Perfection

Imperfect Perfection


An imperfect perfection,
Since the day the apple was bit,
Born into a world of sin,
No cure in a first aid kit;

Man alone can't save this heart,
Full of regrets and shame,
You offer the only restart;

A chance to be made anew,
you shine your light in the dark,
Your words are all true;

Offering up all transgressions,
So your spirit will fill the void,
And you bestow your blessings;

For I'm tired of falling,
Unless it's to my knees,
I hear your calling;

Use me Lord,
I'm your imperfect perfection