Friday, April 6, 2018

Love Climbed the Hill

Love Climbed the Hill

Love broke the bread
Died in my stead
and bore the cross for me 

Love took wrath's cup 
and drank it up. 
It's empty now for me. 

Love climbed the hill 
fulfilled God's will 
and suffered there for me. 

Love cried out loud 
before the crowd. 
Laid down His life for me. 

Jesus bowed His head 
until He was dead 
so that I might go free.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Love's Endeavor

Love's Endeavor

Each piercing blow the hammer made
Reverberated terror.
His only son had been betrayed.
They'd made a fatal error.

Each drop of blood, so precious, shed;
Like tears of crushing sorrow,
Was filling me with horrid dread.
How could I face tomorrow?

He strained to take each painful breath.
I prayed his pain was ending.
Please help him find relief in death,
A certain course impending.

I heard him cry, "My God! My God!
Oh, why have you forsaken?"
I felt a shameful guilt, so odd;
My very soul was shaken.

The sun had lost the will to shine.
With strength almost diminished;
He spoke these words with voice divine,
A final, "It is finished."

The author of creation died
And all creation trembled.
It seemed the earth in sorrow, sighed
Against the crowd assembled.

As death received his only Son
The chains of death were broken,
For everything their hate had done
Was just what God had spoken.

The grave held glory from above
Until the time appointed,
But evil couldn't stop the love
Of God's one true anointed.

There must have been a mighty fuss
For death was left to cower.
Lord Jesus Christ returned to us
By resurrection's power.

You see, this all was in his plan
To change the world forever.
The endless gulf from God to man
Was spanned by love's endeavor.

Monday, April 2, 2018

My Friend

My Friend

How oft have I come unto you my friend?
Arms open wide, eternity’s embrace?
Do you not know I’m with you till the end?
Each day you can partake of my true grace?

I stand by the water’s edge in your squall
Hoping you’ll see me through waves and rain
I’ll lift you to your feet after each fall
If you will take my hand in yours again

I pour out heaven’s light upon your head
I heal each weary heart and threadbare soul
When I am not near, others in my stead
Will work with you and help you to be whole

How oft have I come unto you my friend?
Do you not know I’m with you till the end?

Sunday, April 1, 2018

A Redemption Reflection

A Redemption Reflection

Glad, glad for grace; no work can boast
Hope’s miracle Love-wrought
Salvation is God’s gracious gift;
Man’s redemption blood-bought

Thankful, thankful, God’s offering
Sin’s supreme sacrifice
The righteousness of man attained
Through righteousness of Christ

Where once for all our All in all
Annulled at Calvary
The debt we owed; His grace alone
Sets sin-cursed sinners free

Hope fixates on a blood-stained cross
Faith on an empty grave
He died then rose again; our gain
The loss He came to brave

The gift of God, the peace of God
Sealed when the King of kings
Left His throne to secure for us
The Hope salvation brings