Friday, May 6, 2016

My Mother's Heart

My Mother's Heart

My mother's heart is so tender
and her face has a gentle glow
She's my friend and my inspiration,
she's the sweetest mom I know.

She gives herself so freely
to those who share her life
She clearly loves her children
with the love that comes from Christ

Her eyes are full of compassion
her voice is soft and mild
She lives for helping others,
leaving "heartprints" all the while.

My mother's love is special
and grows sweeter with every year
God blessed me with an angel;
she's my precious mother, dear.

Jan Bagwell

God Bless !

Thursday, May 5, 2016

That's What Mothers Do

That's What Mothers Do

God gives mothers precious children
To cherish, enjoy, and love.
We care for them and meet their needs
With help from our God above.

Our lives now include baby formula
And diapers stacked so high.
We are alert morning, noon, and night
To that baby's slightest cry.

When every one else is sound asleep,
And the baby they do not hear,
A mother's ear is very fine-tuned
And hears that baby so dear.

Mothers can't wait for the day to come
When baby's first word is said.
She waits to hear a call for "mommy,"
But baby says "daddy" instead.

The years of childhood pass so fast.
They out-grow clothes and shoes.
They develop personalities all their own,
And so many friends they choose.

Then we are faced with the challenge
Of rearing them through their teens.
They seem to be competing with friends.
They want to buy designer jeans.

Mothers must often pray for each child.
Yes, we must fervently pray each day
For each child to be saved at an early age,
And that each child will go the right way.

Christian mothers do not stop praying
When those children reach adulthood too.
Those dear mothers' prayers will continue
For that's what Christian mothers do.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Don't Stay Away So Long, Child

Don't Stay Away So Long, Child

All of my dear daddy's life,
He always called me "Chile,"
Even though I had left home
And was married for awhile.

My daddy longed for me to visit,
And he hated to see me go.
"Don't stay away so long, 'Chile,'
You should come often, you know."

Now my daddy is up in Heaven
I will see him and Mom again,
And with my Savior, I will be.

Does my Heavenly Father say
When I fail to meet Him in prayer,
"Don't stay away so long, Child?
Did you forget how much I care?"
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !
If  your  Mother and Father  are still  living  you are very Blessed .
Take time to spend time ,

Tuesday, May 3, 2016



The Lord is my Savior,
what more do I need
when I am hungry
on His Word, I feed.

He renews my spirit,
in the verses I read
He calms my soul
when to His ways I heed.

Through I have troubles,
I have nothing to fear
for I know my Lord
will always be near.

He brings me relief,
when I lean on His promise
to lead me and guide me
out of the darkness.

He's preparing me a place,
with His blood I'm anointed
in Him, my joy overflows
I'll not be disappointed.

His justice and forgiveness,
in my heart I will store
until the day I meet Him
on heaven's shore.

The Lord is my Savior . . .
what more do I need!
Psalms 23\
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, May 2, 2016



I cannot eat, I cannot sleep
I cannot bear a son
They laugh at me, they mock me
They say behold, the barren one

I cannot hide the tears by day
My grief adds to their flow
The bitterness in my soul
Never ceases, it only grows

Lord of Hosts, please hear my prayer
The words I speak are true
If you will give a son to me
I'll give him back to you

When Hannah silently prayed to God
She poured out all her cares
At God's Sovereign Mercy Seat
She left her burdens there

God's joy then filled her spirit
For a son she'd no more plead
For she had reached the place in life
Where God was all she'd need

But the story goes on, we know it well
God said "Yes" to Hannah's prayer
Nine months later, a baby boy
Was placed within her care
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!