Friday, November 2, 2007

'My Jesus and me


I spent time with Jesus today
I spoke his name and tried
His commands to obey

How sweet to visit him during
The daylight hours, for comfort I find
As I share with him the things upon my mind

Today wasn’t perfect, I suppose
Neither will tomorrow be
But time is so sweetly spent
When we are alone, my Jesus and me

Sorrows often come in one door
Or another in this life
But when we spend time alone
With God, we find needed strength,
And comfort, and experience better ways
To cope with pain and strife

I don’t have to worry about
What tomorrow might bring
For with Jesus beside me
Together we can handle anything

If you don’t have time to spend
With Jesus in prayer each day
I recommend you find some time for him
For he alone is worthy of all praise and
He is wonderful and true, his mercy endureth forever
His arms are outstretched also for you

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What would Jesus do ?

What would Jesus do?

In times of trouble
Your heart can't see
What would Jesus do?
In this time of need

When you need answers
And you can't see through
All the raging emotions
What would Jesus do?

When your racked with guilt
Of things to come
Your plans of destruction
You can't hide from

All's not yet gone
Your afraid of you
Just ask yourself
What would Jesus do?

Drinking and driving
How many times you've been told
You could kill yourself
And other lives you hold

One man looks down
With tears in his eyes
You know what I would do
As he bows his head and sighs

Just snort some coke
Noone will ever know
Come on man
It's your turn to go

All your feelings inside
Are feeling it, too
This nudge from Jesus
Man, what would I do?

I was as human
When I walked the earth
My father allowed me
To be born in birth

To answer these questions
All want, no matter who
When faced with temptations
Just what, I would do

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Jesus is the answer

Jesus Is The Answer

Do you question the things of Sorrow?
Have you thoughts of what brings tomorrow?
Do you lie awake a night with fears?
Have you shed many tears?
Do you ever feel so blue?
You do not know what to do?
Does you live feel empty too.

“Jesus Is The Answer”

He can make a moon turn to sunshine
He can make the stars shine aglow
Yes, he can heal a broken heart
This I surely know.

“Jesus Is The Answer”

He can do everything in gladness
Even if our lives seem with so much sadness

Yes, oh yes, when we have no more heartache
He has filled that empty hole
Faith within us glows

Yes, oh, yes, my friend
I will say it until my days will end
“Jesus Is The Answer”
He has taken away all my sin.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Footsteps of Angels

Footsteps of Angels

When the hours of Day are numbered,
And the voices of the Night
Wake the better soul, that slumbered,
To a holy, calm delight;

Ere the evening lamps are lighted,
And, like phantoms grim and tall,
Shadows from the fitful firelight
Dance upon the parlor wall;

Then the forms of the departed
Enter at the open door;
The beloved, the true-hearted,
Come to visit me once more;

He, the young and strong, who cherished
Noble longings for the strife,
By the roadside fell and perished,
Weary with the march of life!

They, the holy ones and weakly,
Who the cross of suffering bore,
Folded their pale hands so meekly,
Spake with us on earth no more!

And with them the Being Beauteous,
Who unto my youth was given,
More than all things else to love me,
And is now a saint in heaven.

With a slow and noiseless footstep
Comes that messenger divine,
Takes the vacant chair beside me,
Lays her gentle hand in mine.

And she sits and gazes at me
With those deep and tender eyes,
Like the stars, so still and saint-like,
Looking downward from the skies.

Uttered not, yet comprehended,
Is the spirit's voiceless prayer,
Soft rebukes, in blessings ended,
Breathing from her lips of air.

Oh, though oft depressed and lonely,
All my fears are laid aside,
If I but remember only
Such as these have lived and died!