Friday, October 28, 2011

God's Glory Month

God’s Glory Month
October speaks to me of God
With every phase of Autumn hue,
In flaming hills against the blue,
In waving fields of goldenrod.

No other season can compare
Or scatter with such lavish hand,
This wealth of color o’er the land
And handiwork of God declare !

By rocky cliffs , the sparkling streams ,
Wending down through their narrow rills ,
Reflect the sunlight’s fading beams .

All these proclaim to eyes that see ,
That beauty such as this can come
From God alone , Who forms the sum
Of all created majesty!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I am standing on God’s promises !

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Imagine a young girl asleep on the second story of her home. She awakes one night—middle of the night—and there is the smell of acrid smoke. She stumbles to the door and opens it to a sheet of fire. The young lady slams the door against the flames and stumbles to the window and stares down into the smoke and the darkness. From the ground below the young lady hears her father's voice saying, "Honey, jump!"

The young lady replies, "But, Daddy, I can't see you."

The father replies, "It's all right, Honey, I can see you. Jump!"

So the young lady jumps into her father's arms.

Now it's a part of faith for that young lady to believe her father is there. It's another part of faith to believe in her father, to feel that her father is able to catch her. It's the essence of faith to throw herself into a father's waiting arms.

That's what it means to believe on Jesus Christ. It's a part of faith to believe Jesus died on the cross to take the punishment for your sin; it's another part of faith to believe God is able and willing to forgive you and give you eternal life. It's the essence of faith to abandon yourself to God completely and allow Jesus Christ to be your Savior.

John Wesley, founder of the Methodist movement, expressed it well when he said that to believe on Jesus is "casting yourself with a reckless abandon on the grace of God."

Belief that brings us to God is as simple and life-changing as that.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I gave Him my soul , he gave me my life !

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

With Faith

With Faith
For every disappointment
That ever comes your way ,
There also will be happiness
Upon another day

Sometimes there will be failure
In things you try to do ,
But with both faith and fortitude
Success will come to you .

When life appears its darkest
And clouds obscure your view ,
You know that you are bound to find
The sun come shining through.

The faith that you possess in God
Is never placed in vain ,
It will sustain and be your guide
Life’s finer things to gain .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Art of Greatness

The Art of Greatness

It’s not fortune or fame
Or worldwide acclaim
That makes for true greatness , you’ll find –
It’s the wonderful art
Of teaching the heart
To always be thoughtful and kind .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
The greatness man is he who chooses the right with invincible
resolution ; who resist the sorest temptation from within and
without ; who bears the heaviest burdens cheerfully ; who is the
calmest in storms , and whose reliance on truth, on virtue , on God ,
is the most unfaltering

Monday, October 24, 2011

Count Your Gains and Your Losses

Count Your Gains and Not Your Losses
As we travel down life’s busy road
Complaining of our heavy load ,
We often think God’s been unfair
And given us much more than our share
Of little daily irritations
And disappointing tribulations ,
We count our losses , not our gain ,
And remember only tears and pain …
And wrapped up in our own despair
We have no time to see or share
Another’s load that far outweighs
Our little problems and dismays .
And so we walk with head held low
And little do we guess or know
That someone near us on life’s street
Is burdened deeply with defeat ..
But if we’d but forget our care
And stop in sympathy to share
The burden that our brother carried ,
Our mind and heart would be less harried ,
And we would feel our load was small ,
In fact , we carried no load at all .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ
Galatians 6:2