Friday, February 26, 2010

Now and Then

Now and Then
Now as through a glass , but darkly ,
Future hopes by faith we trace ;
Then in realms of radiant glory
We shall see our savior’s face .

Now by faith we see Him only ,
Our reflections may be dim ;
Then when He appears to call us ,
We shall really be like Him .

Now , by scientific findings ,
Men attempt to conquer space ;
Then , our mighty Lord will take us
Where He has prepared our place .

Now, by His command , we spread
His great Gospel Truth abroad ;
Then , we’ll see in His blest presence
Those we lead to Christ our Lord
Jan Bagwell

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Where To Look

Where To Look
I don’t look back :God knows the fruitless efforts,
The wasted hours , the sinning ,the regrets ;
I leave them all with Him who blots the record ,
And mercifully forgives and then forgets .

I don’t look forward : God sees all the future ,
The road that short or long will lead me home ,
And He will face with me its every trail ,
And bear for me the burdens that may come .

I don’t look round me ;then would fears assail me
So dark the tumult of earth’s restless seas .
So dark the world , so filled with woe and evil ,
So vain the hope of comfort or of ease .

I don’t look in , for then am I most wretched ;
Myself has naught on which to stay my trust ,
Nothing I see , save failures and shortcoming
And weak endeavors crumbling into dusk .

But I lookup – into the face of Jesus ,
For there my heart can rest , my fears are stilled ;
And there is joy and love and light for darkness
And perfect peace , and every hope fulfilled
Jan Bagwell
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Lord give me faith !-
to live from day to day ‘
With tranquil heart to do
my simple part ,
And , with my hand in Thine ,
just go Thy way .
Lord , give me faith !- to trust ,
If not to know ;
With quiet mind in all things
Thee to find,
And , child like ; go where Thou
Would have me go .
Lord give me faith !-
to leave it all to Thee ,
The future is Thy gift ,
I would not lift
The vail Thy love has hung
‘twixt it and me .
Jan Bagwell
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

God's Sunshine

God’s sunshine
Never since the world began
Has the sun ever stopped shining
His face very often we cannot see ,
And we grumble at his inconsistency ,
But the clouds were to blame ,not the sun,
For behind the clouds he was still shining

And so behind life’s darkest cloud
God’s love is always shining
We veil it , at times with our faithless fears,
And darken our sight with our foolish tears
But in time the atmosphere always clears ,
For His love is always shining .
Jan Bagwell
Always Remember God Love You !

Monday, February 22, 2010

Jesus Loves me

Jesus Loves Me

Yes, Jesus loves me
For the Bible tells me so.
Verse 1:
Jesus loves me,
This I know
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong,
They are weak but He is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Oh yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me
For the Bible tells me so.
Verse 2:
Pressing on the upper way.
Always guide me,Lord I pray.
Undeserving and stubbornly
Never fail to learn me still.
Yes, Jesus loves, me,
Oh, yes, Jesus loves me,
For the Bible tells me so,
For the Bible tells me so.
and I'm never alone.see,
I'm lonely
But never alone,
Bible tells me so. I know that He loves me

This is a song from our childhood , Just sing it in your heart . The song says it all, nothing more could I write .
Be Blessed and have a great Day !!
Jan Bagwell