Saturday, March 23, 2019

Sound The Alarm

Sound The Alarm

Wake up O you sleepers… Christ’s coming is nigh
Go fill up your lantern’s and hold them up high
Lift up all those burdens that are weighing you down
Prepare to meet Jesus… He’s coming to town

Wake up O you sleepers… get out of that daze
Unshackle your feet and run out of that haze
The cares of this world you must put all aside
For Jesus is coming… from Him you can’t hide

Wake up O you sleepers… the trumpet has blown
God’s people are gathering… don’t be left alone
The true light is dawning… He’s there at the gate
Wake up O you sleepers… before it’s too late…
And now, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.
Romans 13:11, 12

Thursday, March 21, 2019

God's Embrace

God's Embrace

I felt the arms of God
wrap around me today
while I was on my knees
before I began to pray.

He held me close to Him
as I poured my heart out
I felt His warm embrace
encircle my gripping doubt.

He took me into His arms
and I rested there for awhile
until my soul was reassured
He'd see me through this trial.

I felt a gentle squeeze
somewhere deep in my heart
and soon all of my worries
began to vanish and depart.

I'm not sure how long He held me
nor how long in His arms I was there
but when I rose to leave
I had not a worry or a care!
Deuteronomy 33:27

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Therein Lies the Peace

Therein Lies the Peace

Just name it and claim it
But is that completely true?
Can I demand in Jesus' name?
Expecting God to follow through?

It is not God in question
For He is always there
I call on Him for everything
But I wonder of the prayer.

In these times of seeking
Overwhelmed by the need
I cry for the answer now
Dare I demand in my plead?

Oh, but God is so patient
When He answers each request
Tending to our heartache
For He surely knows what's best.

He knows the wickedness of my heart
Yet, His love will never cease
Trust in Him and wait, wait, wait
Therein lies the peace…
Philippians 4:7
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

The Joy Of His Presence

The Joy Of His Presence

I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ
As my personal Savior one day.
I invited Him into my heart,
And He came in there to stay.

The Holy Spirit dwells inside me.
He gives me great joy and peace.
Christ is worthy of my praise.
May those praises never cease.

I seek His guidance every day,
He can make my pathway clear.
I find great joy in His presence.
For I know that He's always near.

Then one day when God says,
"Your work on this earth is o'er,"
I'll go home to be with Jesus
Over on that Golden Shore.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Gimme Some Sugar

Gimme Some Sugar

Gimme some sugar to soothe your soul
Attend to my advice and attain your goal
Rename your problem and do it with tact
Surely believe in me, I will have your back

Never mind the unseen, ignore their cries
Pay no attention to the complainers' sighs
You are free to do whatever you please
And with my guidance it will be a breeze

A person cannot be until one does it see
So abandon all concern and listen to me
If it feels good then do it you must
I know all the rules, in me you can trust

Change your nature to be like mine
Follow my steps and you will do fine
Try a new twist, it is certain to be sweet
And do not worry if the wrong ends meet

Remember our fun and good talk
When hand in hand we will walk
For when our companionship is done
You can be sure that we will be one