Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Waking

The  Waking

I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I feel my fate in what I cannot fear.
I learn by going where I have to go.

We think by feeling. What is there to know?
I hear my being dance from ear to ear.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.

Of those so close beside me, which are you?
God bless the Ground! I shall walk softly there,
And learn by going where I have to go.

Light takes the Tree; but who can tell us how?
The lowly worm climbs up a winding stair;
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.

Great Nature has another thing to do
To you and me; so take the lively air,
And, lovely, learn by going where to go.

This shaking keeps me steady. I should know.
What falls away is always. And is near.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I learn by going where I have to go.

" Humble Prayer"

" Humble Prayer"

Heavenly Father, God above;
You are to me Agape love!
In Your gentle, loving care,
You listen to my every prayer. 
My needs today are but a few;
And I bow my head to ask of You.

Bless the path my feet shall trod;
Counsel me in Thy ways, Oh God.
Guide me through each life endeavor;
I praise Your holy name, forever!
Make strong, my mind, body and soul;
Protect me from the Evil Foe!
Forgive me of iniquity;
Make me what I ought to be.
When at times, I lose my way;
Draw me near, Lord when I stray.
Let my faith, the gift from You;
Grow stronger in Your Word, so true.
Grant me wisdom above all measure;
And knowledge from Your hidden treasure.
Enable me to do Your Will,
So that, in You, my life's fulfilled!
Delight in me when I stop to pray;
Keep me safe by night and day.
Be my voice, my hands, my feet;
Make Your work in me complete.
Stir me up to seek Your face;
I bask in Your amazing grace.
My voice is raised – To You I sing
Praises to You, Lord and King!

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ,
Our Lord and Savior…

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

His List

His List

When I wake up in the morning,
before I get out of bed.
The plans I've made for the day,
start to plummet in my head.

Do this, do that, and this-that too,
the list goes on and on.
The plans I've made for the day,
begin with the crack of dawn.

Before I arise and get moving,
to do all that I have to do.
I reach for my Bible to see,
if He has any plans for me too.

As I read through the verses,
I shiver and my head starts shaking.
For all that I have to do,
has nothing to do, with His making.

I put my Bible down,
and throw the covers off the bed.
I give to Him all of my - this and that,
and He gives me His list instead!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

I remember a Beautiful Rose

I remember a Beautiful Rose

My memories trample. My conscience awakes.
It's then I'm reminded of all my mistakes.
Regrets, I have many. They give me great pain.
They pelt me like hail and they drive me insane.
If only the future could remake the past,
where I could relive it much diff'rent than cast -
in stone where it's buried and cannot breakout,
I'd free it most quickly and change it, no doubt.

For pain's overwhelming when past can't reverse.
From pit in my stomach, it couldn't be worse.
Though Jesus can heal all the greatest of pains -
He won't let it happen if I'm locked with chains
in guilt-ridden prison where I can't accept
forgiveness from actions when I was inept.
Grace breaks ev'ry chain so that I can't destroy
this beautiful rose of unspeakable joy.

If God could change hist'ry, if God made it so,
I'd treat her much diff'rent and clearly would know
that God's grace is priceless and made for such love
for all still in waiting and not there above.
Because she's not with me, there isn't a cure,
so pain grows beyond all that I can endure.
I'm sorry I hurt you and this I must share -
while Heaven awaits you, you're in ev'ry prayer.

So love still continues to bloom like the rose -
for roses are lovely as everyone knows.
My heart strings keep humming like strumming guitar.
She's perfect as nature and finer by far -
than rose most exquisite, than rose without thorn,
than crisp, cooling air near a lake in the morn,
than cottony clouds floating high with great ease,
than soft meadow grasses. She is more than these.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Dead End

Dead End

Each passing day upon this earth 
I’m drawing near my death,
Each time I fill my lungs with air
I’ve left one fewer breath

As time goes on I close the gap
From start until the end
These labours cease the day that I
My tabernacle rend

What then of all those fleeting things
I’ve laboured to acquire
Or what of those I’ll leave behind
Sooner than desired

My deepest heart shall be laid bare
My motives once concealed
Shall in the brightness of my Lord
Be perfectly revealed

And what suppose ye would He find
A heart of rapturous joys
Or one of grief still of the world
Bereft of friends and toys

Should I with sadness and regrets
Now spend my living days
Or rather let eternity
Direct my wayward ways

Don’t worry of those left behind
Don’t fret or be afraid
It’s not like God who’s led til now
Can’t lead without your aide

Possessed by our possessions we
Bind fast our earthen ties
So comfortable that when God calls
“So soon?” each one replies

Set your affections up above
Not here upon the earth
This vapour shall soon fade away
To your eternal birth 

The hope of those “In Christ” is such
It makes the world grow dim
They count but loss those things they’ve gained
They’ve all in all, in Him 

Consider now the greater good
Is it to live or die?
If life means earth and death means Heav’n
Tis hard to choose, but why?

The moment those “in Christ” do pass
Eternity is theirs
The “well done” heard from Jesus lips
Erases all their cares

Suppose we all decided now 
To take God at His Word
We choose not to be scared again
But trust the things we’ve heard

Imagine if we faced the grave
With hope and joy and trust
Because in heaven’s treasure store
No moth, no thief, no rust!

Consider if the world looked on
Just utterly amazed
If Christians practiced what they preached 
And faced the grave unfazed

In light of this eternity
And promises He’s giv'n
Let’s realign our focal point
And set our sights on heav'n

So bear in mind the lesson here
Don’t run headlong to die
But when God calls to take you home
Just say “Lord, here am I” 

It’s guaranteed the time will come
When each must round the bend
What blessed joy the Christian has
To know it’s no dead end