Thursday, November 27, 2014

Let Me Keep a Thankful Heart

Let Me Keep a Thankful Heart

I've loved and lost, I've loved and won
I've had my moments in the sun
I've danced upon the morning dew
I've had my share of rain-clouds too
Good days and bad, they come, they depart
Lord, let me keep a thankful heart

I've had some sugar in life's cup of tea
Sweet love and leisure as my company
But I've had some lemons, oh, I've been hurt
Knocked by life's demons, my face in the dirt
But Lord, through it all You never depart
So Lord, let me keep a thankful heart

I've been the bird in the cloudless sky
I've been the broken butterfly
My cup of joy has been full, over-flowing
It's also been shattered, empty, alone
Lord, Your compassion mends every part
So Lord, let me keep a thankful heart

I've known a hug, a cuddle and kiss
I've heard the music of life's sweeter bliss
I've cried the tears of the broken too
Disappointments and fears, I've had a few
But the bitter reveals the sweet inner part
So Lord, let me keep a thankful heart
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Have a Blessed  Thankgiving !