Saturday, July 18, 2015

Solid Rock

Solid Rock

Some people have their head in a cloud
and some people climb on top.
Some people jump from cloud to cloud
and never seem to stop.

Some people dream a million dreams
and some people live to work.
Some seek out fun so far and wide
where wages of sin lurk.

They're trapped in a fog of deceptive white
that floats on a hopeless air -
then sooner or later find out that
there's no foundation there.

For God is the only solid rock
where feet can be planted firm -
not in the clouds of 'here and now'
but eternity, long-term.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Friday, July 17, 2015

To Be Like Me

To Be Like Me

Are you living a life that you want your children to see?
Can you say to yourself, I want them to be like me?
Do your actions imitate those of God?
Are you on a path that you want them to trod?

Are you showing your children selfishness and greed?
Or are you showing them to give to those in need?
Do your children see you seek the Lord's guidance everyday
Do they see you get down on your knees and pray?

Do they see you give from your heart?
Through you, do they see God's love impart?
Do they see you give your neighbors a helping hand?
See compassion from you for your fellow man.

Do you spend lots of time with them each day?
And when you do are you careful with the words you say?
Do you take them to church on Sunday morn?
Have you taught them what it means to be reborn?

One of the most important jobs you will have on earth
One of the jobs that gives your life great worth
Is raising your children to follow God's word
Leading them by example and being heard

Teach your children to live by the golden rule
In everything they do; at home, at play, at school
Show them how to have a loving heart
For it's from you that they get their start

Can you honestly say, "I want them to be like me"
I want them to imitate my actions that they see
I want them to repeat the words I say
And I want them to live like me each and everyday

Take a long hard look at the life you live
Are you sure this is the example you want to give????
Jan Bagwell
God Bless 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Spiritual Fruit

Spiritual Fruit

The fruits of the Spirit are given to us
By our Father from Heaven above
And through the Spirit of Christ Himself
He gave us the fruit of love

On this tree grows spiritual fruit
Such as joy that we can feel each day
He gives us peace and patience
But this tree has much more to say

There is kindness, goodness and faithfulness
That grows on this heavenly tree
They can change our lives right before our eyes
Not just for us, but for all to see

Then there's gentleness and self control
These fruits can be hard to bear
But because of the gift God gave to us
These things we all can share

Thank you Lord for this tree of life
That comes in this spiritual form
For without these fruits life can be real cold
But with them our lives feel warm.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Please for my  Mother Hazel Bagwell ]  and Frankie mother Wilson  , Sister Mary Phillips back

When I Exchange Life's Rugged Cross

When I Exchange Life's Rugged Cross

When I Exchange Life's Rugged Cross

When I exchange Life's rugged cross
For Eternity's crown;
When my soul is rid of sorrow
My burdens all laid down,
I will trade these rags so wretched
For a gown of Heaven's white,
And when I take the Hand of Jesus
Everything will be all right.

No more rough roads will be traveled;
No more thorns will pierce my side.
I'll be granted total healing
When all Heaven's gates swing wide!
No more poverty, or sadness,
Will have my thoughts ensnared,
For I will ever rest with Jesus
In the mansion He's prepared.

No more tears will wet night's darkness,
No more loneliness or dread;
No more fearing of the future,
Nor of what may lie ahead,
No more guilty pain of faulting,
Nor pangs of yesterday,
For I'll have reached Life Immortal
In the True and Living Way!

Earthly toil will then be ended;
No more darts by Satan hurled.
Splendid glories will all glisten
There in God's most sacred World;
Where bright streets of gold will meet me,
And "Life's Precious Gem" awaits
Amid the glimmer of all ages
Inside Heaven's Pearly Gates!

When I exchange Life's rugged cross
For Eternity's crown;
When my soul is rid of sorrow
My burdens all laid down,
I will trade these rags so wretched
For a gown of Heaven's white,
And when I take the Hand of Jesus
Everything will be all right.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
{"Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of Life!" Jesus (Revelation 2:10b)
I thanked God for the life he has given to me !
I pray for the people he has put in my Life
Lonnie Bagwell and Hazel Bagwell { my mother and dad ]
Larry Bagwell [my brother and his children Liza , Leslie and Laura
Nadine  Stvan { her children , Nyica Greg  and Warren Boatman ]
My children  David [ wife Hali] and Scott Bagwell [ Elizabeth Bagwell ]
My wonderful Grandchildren  Emily [Scott ] Halia [David]
My friends for long time , Judy Hamlin , Jimmy D Holladay , Mr and Mrs. William {Billy] and Mary Phillips ,Mr  Charles and Frankie Wilson ,

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Hearing With Our Spiritual Ears

Hearing With Our Spiritual Ears

Does the background noise of sin prevent
Us from hearing with our spiritual ears?
Is it hard for us to listen to God
Because we hold onto doubts and fears?

We can let God speak to our hearts
If we read and study His holy Word.
We need to also pray without ceasing
And witness to those who've never heard.

Sometimes we can get so very distracted,
We forget what God's Word has to say.
Sometimes we stop up our spiritual ears,
And we also fail to trust and obey.

Let's keep our hearts in tune with God.
Let's keep our spiritual ears open too.
Let us read and obey His holy Word
Until our race on this earth is through.
Psalm 85:8A, "I will hear what God the Lord will speak."
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !