Friday, October 2, 2015

The Growing Seed of Love

The Growing Seed of Love

This seed of Love, will never fail
Believing Love, can still prevail
Our growing Love, built through the pain
Won’t count the cost, but loves again
Your patient Love, wants to reconcile
Brings hope through tears, a healing smile
Unselfish Love, endures all things
Extravagance, adorned as kings
In words of Love, the first and last
The breath of life, in all our hours
Love gives us hope, and strength and might
To run, not faint, and win the fight
We’ll rest and wait, we stand our ground
Find at the end, our promised land,
Glorious Love, so kind, so true
That lives as one, but grows from two. - See more at:
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Five Minutes After I Die Saved

Five Minutes After I Die Saved
Loved ones will watch for the latest breath ;
Tenderly care for the dust of death ;
Joyously speak of the victor’s wreath ,
Five minutes after I die .
Faces of saints who have gone before ;
Anthems of praise on that golden shore ;
Jesus exalted forevermore
Five minutes after I die .
Here,as a pilgrim and stranger I’ve ranged
Staff in my hand ,to the world estranged ;
Then ,pilgrim days past –oh what a change !
Five minutes after I die .
Perfect the conscience that once sin stirred ;
The blood has atoned ,and its voice is heard ;
Welcomed are all who believed God’s Word ,
Five minutes after I die .
Mated for aye to heaven’s glad throng ,
Long is eternited ,but not too long –
“Praise to the Lamb once slain ,”my glad song ,
five minutes after I die .
Oh, what a prospect !The Word is true ;
Trusting the Saviour ,and born anew ,
Heaven I enter ,God’s glory to view ,
Five minutes after I die .
I am not flinging a fortune away :
I have believed in salvation’way :
God will fulfil what His Word doth say ,
Five minutes after I die .
Thanks be to Jesus for pardon free !
He paid my debt on Mt Calvary’s tree .
Paradise gates will enfold even me ,
Fives minutes after I die .
Oh marvelous grace that has rescued me !
Oh joyous moment when Jesus I see !
Oh happy day when like Him I’ll be .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless



God of our life ,through all the circling years,
We trust in Thee ;
In all the past ,through all our hopes and fears,
Thy hand we see .
With each new day ,when morning lifts the veil ,
We own Thy mercies , Lord ,which never fail .

God of the past ,our times are in Thy hand ;
With us abide .
Lead us faith to hope’s true Promised Land ;
Be Thou our guide .
With Thee to bless ,the darkness shines as light ,
And faith’s fair vision changes into sight .

God of the coming years ,through paths unknown
We follow Thee ;
When we are strong ,Lord ,leave us not alone ;
Our Refuge be .
Be Thou for us in life our Daily Bread ,
Our heart’s true Home when all our years have sped .
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Five minutes After I die Lost :

Five minutes After I die Lost :

Loved ones will weep o’er my silent face ;
Dear ones will clasp me in sad embrace ;
Shadows and darkness will fill the place  ,
Five minutes after I die .
Faces that sorrow I will not see ;
Voices that murmur will not reach me ;
But where ,oh,where will my spirit be ,
Five minutes after I die .

Here ,I have rested ,and roved , and ranged ;
Here , I have cherished ,and grown estranged .
There ,and then, it will all be changed ,
Five minutes after I die .
Naught to repair the good I lack ;
Fixed to  the goal of my chosen track;
No room to repent – no turning back ,
Five minutes after I die !

Now ,I can strife cnvictions stirred ;
Now ,I can silence the voice oft heard ;
Then ,the fulfillment of God’s sure Word,
Fives minutes  after I die .
Mated for aye with my chosen throng ;
Long is eternity ,oh so long !
Then woe is me if my soul is wrong ,
Five minutes after I die .

Oh ,what a fool ! Hard the word , but true ,
Passing the Saviour , with hell in view ,
Doing a thing I can ne’er undo ,
Fives minutes after I die .
Since I am flinging a fortune away ;
Since I am wasting salvation’s day ,
“just is my sentence,” my soul shall say ,
Fives minutes after I die .
Jan Bagwell   
God Bless 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Couraage To Live :

Couraage To Live :

To those who have tried and seemingly have failed ,
Reach out ,dear Lord , and comfort them today ;
For those whose hope has dimmed ,whose faith has paled,
Lift up some lighted heavenly torch , I pray .
They are so frightened ,Lord ;reach out a hand .
They are so hurt and helpless ; be their friend .
Baffled and blind ,they do not understand –
They think this dark and tangled road the end .

Oh ,touch to flame their hope that has burned low ,
And strike with fire faith,s ashes that are dead .
Let them walk proudly once again ,and go
Seeking the sure and steadfast light ahead .
Help them to move among their fellow men
With courage to live ,courage to try again .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !