Saturday, May 21, 2016

Count Your Blessings

Count Your Blessings
Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.
Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.

Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.
Count your full years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth;
Love your neighbor as much as yourself.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Friday, May 20, 2016

Limitless Love

Limitless Love

God has a limitless supply of love that He is willing to share,
This love is always available to all those who are in His care.
He is willing to bless any who are willing to join in His cause,
For after we've been saved, He will use us, despite our flaws.

Now then, God's love never fails, of this we can be very sure,
Unlike what we see from man, this love for all eternity, is pure.
Then too, His love does not stop when a mistake has been made,
He is always waiting for our return, whenever we have strayed.

As the world tries to close it's door on us, God love is near,
When no one will listen to our problems, God bends His ear.
Then He sent His love down to us in the form of His Only Son,
So that all could gather into heaven when this life here is done.

I know for sure that God's love is real, for you see I'm a receiver,
Satisfied that for anyone who receives it, will truly be a believer.
Then whenever I call on Him, I am assured that He hears my prayer,
When He gives me an answer, then for sure, I know His love is there.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Blessing upon Blessing

Blessing upon Blessing

Blessing upon blessing,
God wants to give.
He wants you to repent,
So He can forgive.

He wants your heart,
He wants your soul.
He wants you to be,
Complete and whole.

Mercy upon mercy,
God wants you to receive.
He wants your faith,
So in Him you believe.

He wants your troubles,
He wants your prayers.
He wants you to trust Him,
With all of your cares.

Glory upon glory,
God wants you to know.
He wants your love,
So His splendor can grow.

He wants your battles,
He wants your deeds.
He wants you to give,
Him all of your needs.

Blessing upon blessings,
God wants you to accept.
His mercy and glory,
For the tears that you've wept.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Grandma's Place

Grandma's Place

The paint was cracked and weathered.
The 'welcome' chimes would ring.
But grandma's place was special with
her old porch swing.

Her dinners were delicious,
her cookies she would bring,
as rich aromas found me on
her old porch swing.

At times the wooden seat was damp.
The morning dew would cling -
but I couldn't keep from sitting on
her old porch swing.

The chains, stressed on occasion,
that held a many thing,
as every friend kept resting on
her old porch swing.

Served well those rusty bolts.
Though not for queen or king,
but all the folk were welcomed on
her old porch swing.

The conversations several -
the arm rest, everything -
as we discussed my problems on
her old porch swing.

Nothing makes my heart so glad
and nothing makes it sing,
until I think of grandma on
her old porch swing.

Many years have long since passed.
To memories, I will cling -
those days I sat with grandma on
her old porch swing.

The workers razed the homestead -
In fear, the birds took wing,
but always in my memory is -
her old porch swing.

Some say it wasn't special,
nor good for anything -
yet that's where I found Jesus - on
her old porch swing.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

My Fathers Garden

My Fathers Garden

I love to spend time in Your garden
Where the skies are always so blue
Every rose blooms to perfection
Your light ever shining so true

I love the smell of Your flowers
Their scent is so heavenly
Everyone of Your creations
Is a pleasure waiting for me

I love to touch the petals
Of every flower that You put there
I marvel at Your greatness
Your love grows everywhere

Everything You've done my God
Has proven Your love for me
You give to me such beauty
I need only open my eyes to see

Let me never forget Your Perfection
Or fail to treasure You gifts
May I always proclaim Your wonders
Through You my soul shall lift

I can walk with You in Your garden
And know that Your stand beside me
I can share with You my joys and my fears
And know that Your love lets me free
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !

Monday, May 16, 2016

Sitting on my Front Porch

Sitting on my Front Porch

Sitting on my front-porch with loved ones at my knee
Drinking in the music of the twilight's melody
Tiny sip of glory is this evening paradise
Sitting on my front-porch as my Maker paints the skies

Somewhere in the valley I can hear the cattle low
The pasture-land lies golden-bronze beneath the sunset's glow
Faintly I can hear the church-bells chiming down the street
Beyond the noisy traffic and the muffled busy feet

Sitting on my front-porch, this my humble palace grand
Apartheid to an orchestra led by Heaven's hand
Hummingbird and firefly and busy honey-bee
And little children's laughter joins in Heaven's melody

Tiny splash of paradise has dropped from Heaven's brush
Landing on my front-porch in this sacred evening hush
Lemon tea or lemonade either one is fine
Sitting on my front-porch 'neath the shadow of His vine

Sonny, grab your silver spoons so you can keep the beat
I'll play my harmonica while sister taps her feet
Standing on His promises, praising Christ the Lord
Sitting on my front-porch I desire nothing more
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !